Roughly 85% of American adults will experience an episode of lower back pain in their lifetime. For many of those people, coping with the pain is a regular part of life. However, for individuals with chronic back pain, it’s more than just an occasional nuisance.
Chronic back pain can have serious repercussions on the quality of life. The good news, however, is that there are several types of spinal injections available to patients.
We’ll break down what spinal injections are and how they work. Read on to learn about them!
1. Epidural Steroid Injections
Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) are a type of spinal injection used to treat lower back pain and leg pain. These injections are utilized when other medical treatments have been ineffective and contain steroid medication along with a local anesthetic.
The steroids work to reduce inflammation in the spine and eliminate muscle spasms. They decrease nerve irritation and ultimately relieve back pain.
This type of injection is administered directly into the epidural space of the spine, which is the area between the protective covering of the spinal cord and the vertebrae. This allows the medication to reach the intended target area very quickly.
This method of treatment is often paired with physical therapy, as well as lifestyle modifications, to reduce the intensity and frequency of back pain. ESIs have been very successful in providing long-term pain relief, and the potential risks associated with the injections are very low.
2. Facet Joint Injections
Facet joint injection involves the use of steroids and local anesthetics that are injected directly into the affected joint. This reduces inflammation in the joint and can help relieve back pain.
Facet blocks use the same medications but are injected into several different joints. This injection helps to identify which specific joint is the source of pain, allowing the doctor to give targeted treatment.
Both have been seen to provide short-term relief from back pain. However, these injections are not effective for long-term pain relief.
They can also have side effects such as numbness and muscle weakness in the area. Therefore, it is always essential to weigh the spinal injections pros and cons carefully before making a decision.
3. Sacroiliac Joint Injections
Sacroiliac joint injections, also known as SI joint injections, are used to treat pain and inflammation associated with the sacroiliac joint in the lower back. The injection contains a combination of anesthetic and corticosteroid that can provide relief to muscle strain and inflammation and decrease pain.
The injection is usually done with the patient lying on their side, with the injection directed into the sacroiliac joint between the spine and pelvis. The entire procedure usually takes about 15 minutes, and the effects can last for up to six months.
SI joint injections can provide great relief for those suffering from lower back pain and can help them get back to their normal daily activities. It may also help to avoid other more invasive treatments like surgery.
Be Familiar With the Types of Spinal Injections Starting Today
The different types of spinal injections offer many benefits to those living with chronic back pain, from fast relief to enhanced mobility. If you’re seeking a way to help manage your back pain and reduce inflammation, ask your healthcare provider about which type of spinal injection might be beneficial for you.
Start discussing your options today. Get back to feeling and living your best life!
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