Did you know that data breaches cost companies roughly $4 million per incident in 2021? It’s a massive problem among small business owners and part of the reason why most companies fail after a few years.
Hackers can target anyone—even larger companies with the most advanced IT solutions. That means smaller businesses without the capital and means to protect their data are more at risk.
When your online security is jeopardized, it puts a strain on you, your employees, and your business. But luckily, with these four cybersecurity tips, you can keep your data safe from outsiders.
1. Improve Password Protection
A primary measure to protect your data from hackers is using a strong password. Most people use common phrases—like their last name— in passwords because they’re easy to remember.
However, hackers know this to be the case and have an easy time breaking through any passwords. Ensure passwords are a mixture of letters, numbers, and special characters to improve security.
Also, make sure employees don’t share passwords with others. It’s another way for individuals to bring harm to your company.
2. Using Firewalls
On top of improving your passwords, using a firewall is another way to fortify small business cybersecurity. Your network may have one already, but it’s best to use more advanced protection for business operations.
Various firewall software is available, which you can learn more about from a small business solutions company. They can keep you up-to-date on the best options for your business.
However, keep in mind that the firewall will only work on devices in your office network. Employees working from home will need their own advanced firewall software to protect their devices.
3. Backup Data Frequently
Backing up data seems like it’s a no-brainer. However, you’d be surprised at the number of individuals who fail to do it—and when they do, it’s too late.
The frequency you backup your data will depend on how often you acquire new data and its sensitivity. However, it would be better to backup data every 24 hours or at least once a week to avoid any issues.
Furthermore, backups typically happen in a cloud-based format. But try saving essential data on an external hard drive in case the cloud gets hacked.
4. Train Employees
Unfortunately, employees negligence is a big reason small businesses face cybersecurity breaches. So it’s important to train your employees thoroughly to make sure that doesn’t happen.
Clearly define your cybersecurity practices so employees know how to manage certain situations. Have a meeting, send an email, or post the information in the office, so everyone knows.
Update your policy every few months if necessary. If protocols aren’t followed correctly, you should incur a penalty to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Follow Our Cybersecurity Tips to Protect Your Business
Cybersecurity is a significant factor for successful businesses. But without proper security measures in place, it leaves your company at risk. Follow our cybersecurity tips to ensure your company has the best chance against potential threats.
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Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.