The diamond on your wedding ring might be as big as 12 or 14 carats. The largest and most valuable, though, is the Koh-I-Noor. It weighs 105.6 carats and has been in the possession of royalty for almost a thousand years.
The most expensive jewelry includes more than just precious stones and rare metals. Engagement rings of high value have precision cuts and long pedigrees of jewelers. How can you be sure that the jewelry you’re getting is worth its price?
Whether you’re looking for expensive diamond rings or necklaces, there are a few things you ought to know. Read on as we discuss 5 tips to keep in mind when you buy a ring or other piece of expensive jewelry.
1. Buy the Most Expensive Jewelry From Trusted Sources
Expensive things command high prices. For scammers, this presents a unique opportunity. If they can sell a forgery or a fake, they can make off with thousands of dollars with little effort.
Never buy diamond rings unless you can trust the source. Focus on reputable companies that have generations of experience. Do your research with reviews and the opinions of industry experts.
2. Check for Hallmarks
Hallmarks aren’t just Christmas movies or holiday cards. They are actually stamps on precious jewelry to certify their quality and manufacturing. They include numbers, letters, and symbols that prove who made them.
You’ll often find them on the inside of a ring or the backside of a necklace. If it doesn’t have a hallmark, then it’s probably a fake.
3. Check the Weight
Gold and silver are heavy metals. The metals common in fakes are not. Oftentimes, counterfeiters will make jewelry out of pewter or brass that feels like gold, but is lighter.
Weighing a gold ring will tell you if it’s gold, or if it’s a less valuable alloy. 24k gold will weigh a lot more than a less pure 12k alternative.
4. Examine the Finish
The most expensive jewelry can and should have a glossy finish. This isn’t just a personal preference. It’s evidence of high manufacturing quality.
Cheap jewelry may have grainy, rough, or bumpy textures. You may discover this unfinished texture on the inside of the ring, out of view. This is a clear and immediate sign that it’s not worth the price.
5. Avoid Lab-Grown Stones
Lab-grown stones are all the rage right now. They look just like their mined counterparts, even when you inspect them under a microscope. Experts can’t even tell them apart from the “real” thing.
If you are looking for expensive jewelry, however, you want mine-sourced gems. These have higher value because of the labor it takes to produce them. Plus, many of them have a pedigree from their country and mine of origin.
Find Jewelry for a Marriage Proposal Today
The most expensive jewelry can last for generations and still look amazing. Before you take a seller’s word for it, though, do your research. Use weight, finish, and hallmarks to determine if its physical properties match up with its purported value.
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