Are you tired?
Are you driving your car when you should be taking a nap?
Most drivers don’t think about drowsy driving, but it’s a huge cause of accidents. It’s directly related to nearly a hundred thousand car accidents yearly.
That’s a scary statistic. We all have to drive at some point and don’t want to endanger ourselves or others. That’s why we compiled these drowsy driving statistics. Knowing the dangers ahead will help you make safer decisions on the road.
Read on to learn the importance of buckling up and shutting it down before you get behind the wheel
1. AAA Foundation Drowsy Driving Statistics
Drowsy driving is a severe issue in the United States, particularly for young drivers. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, an estimated one in ten fatal crashes involves a drowsy driver. Furthermore, drowsy driving was responsible for an estimated 72,000 crashes in which 81,000 people were injured, and 1,550 people were killed.
Those numbers are even more worrying when it is noted that most drowsy driving crashes are likely not reported to law enforcement. The actual crash numbers are estimated to be two to four times higher than reported.
Research also reveals that young drivers, particularly males, are at higher risk of being involved in a drowsy driving crash. These statistics should be taken seriously, as drowsy driving is a leading cause of preventable deaths on the nation’s roads.
2. National Sleep Foundation Drowsy Driving Statistics
The National Sleep Foundation estimates that a quarter of all drowsy-driving crashes involve someone awake for at least 24 hours.
Adults need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, while teens need 8–10 hours. The foundation has found that those most at-risk for drowsy driving include young drivers (ages 16–29), shift workers, and commercial drivers.
Lack of quality sleep can lead to poor decision-making and slow reaction times, leading to more severe accidents on the road. Drowsy driving is a serious issue that leads to many concerning statistics each year.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Drowsy Driving Statistics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), drowsy driving handles approximately 6,000 fatal crashes and more than 50,000 non-fatal crashes yearly in the United States. It is estimated that 1 in 25 adults in the United States report nodding off while driving.
Furthermore, drivers between the ages of 15 to 24 are most likely to be involved in drowsy driving crashes. Studies have shown that driving while sleepy is as dangerous as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. These statistics will shock you and should be considered when considering whether you can remain alert and safe behind the wheel.
4. Warning Signs of Drowsy Driving
Falling asleep while driving is a severe problem and can lead to dangerous outcomes for everyone on the road. Recognizing the warning signs and taking proper precautions to avoid drowsy driving accidents is essential.
Common warning signs of drowsy driving include difficulty focusing, frequent blinking, and daydreaming. Other symptoms include:
- Missing your exit
- Drifting in and out of lanes
- Yawning or rubbing your eyes
- Feeling restless or irritable
Other signs include having trouble keeping your head up, inability to recall the last few miles of your trip, or difficulty keeping your speed consistent. Always be aware of these signs, even minor ones, so you can safely reach your destination.
5. Factors of Drowsy Driving
Drowsy driving is a form of dangerous driving caused by fatigue and lack of sleep. It can have serious consequences, including injury and death; drowsy drivers are at a higher risk of being in sleep-car accidents. The factors of drowsy driving are sleeping less than 6 hours a night and sleeping at different times each night.
Other factors include:
- Taking prescription medications like sedatives and anti-depressants
- Driving without taking breaks
- Going without sleep for more than 8 hours
- Drinking alcohol
People with certain medical conditions, such as Obstructive Sleep Apnea, are also at an increased risk of drowsy driving.
It’s essential to understand the risks associated with driving drowsy. Also, to know it’s never safe to get behind the wheel if you’re tired. Taking regular breaks and getting the recommended amount of sleep can help to reduce and avoid accidents due to drowsiness.
6. Financial Implications of Drowsy Driving
The financial implications of drowsy driving are staggering. According to estimates, the economic costs of drowsy driving total more than $109 billion per year. You can break down these costs into costs from lost productivity, legal, medical, and emergency response costs. Also, along with property damage and insurance administration costs.
While the financial implications of drowsy driving are high, the cost of responsible driving, such as managing sleep and avoiding driving when tired, is invaluable. You may need a local car accident lawyer to handle these serious car accidents due to drowsy driving comprising a significant percentage of the collisions.
Fatigued drivers should know the danger they put other motorists in when driving. Motorists should also know the legal consequences of going drowsy or without enough sleep, as local car accident lawyers can help individuals and their families when tragedy strikes.
Discover the Drowsy Driving Statistics
Every 30 minutes, someone crashes while driving tired. Most of these crashes go unreported, making drowsy driving statistics much higher—one hundred thousand car accidents related to fatigue result in eight hundred deaths annually.
Drowsy driving is dangerous, and the statistics surrounding it show that. It can lead to devastating losses, financially and emotionally.
It is essential to consider your safety ties when getting behind the wheel and ensure your alertness level is always at its highest. Take the proper steps never to drive tired and keep the roads safe for everyone.
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Andrea Parker is a reporter for Zobuz. She previously worked at Huffington Post and Vanity Fair. Andrea is based in NYC and covers issues affecting her city. In addition to her severe coffee addiction, she’s a Netflix enthusiast, a red wine drinker, and a voracious reader.