In a world where war is constantly on the verge of breaking out, or it already has, money is a constant worry, and the stresses of life are taking a toll, it can be really hard to find a way to rest. There’s so much going on that our minds can continue turning in the evening when we try to lay down.
That makes for a hard time sleeping!
Not only that but there are several things that our bodies are deficient in but there are habits that we fall into that aren’t going to help our sleep patterns at all. Here are eight sleep tips that can help you get more rest today!
Take Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium glycinate is a more bioaccessible form of magnesium. This means that your body can more easily incorporate the magnesium from this compound and use it as it needs to when it comes time for sleep.
In some studies this has been shown to help increase rest by causing muscles to relax which in turn can help your entire body relax.
Avoid Your Phone Before Bed
Most people have them, but not everyone uses them as responsibly as they can. The smartphones that we have access to on the regular produce what is called blue light. This blue light is what tells our body that it is time to stay awake.
Well, when you want to go to bed, that doesn’t help much now does it? Because of that light, there are night time settings on phones that decrease that blue light or turn off the blue light completely. Does this help? Sort of.
The problem then remains, is your brain still active while you are on the phone? More than likely the answer is yes and you will have to work with yourself to decrease the amount of time that you spend on the phone so that your brain can slow down from the day.
Try Melatonin
This is one to be careful with for sure! The reason being is that some people can be heavily affected by melatonin. For example, someone can take up to twenty milligrams of melatonin and hardly feel like they are being assisted. Whereas there are people like me who take 2.5 milligrams and can barely wake up the next day.
Listen to Binaural Beats
Binaural beats can be found on most music streaming systems. This type of music focuses on specific frequencies that are designed to help you with different types of work and even sleep. Yes, I have tried this and personally used the Spotify Binaural Beats: Sleep playlist and found it to be very helpful when my mind wouldn’t stop racing.
Use Holistic Help
If you don’t like the effects of marijuana when it comes to not being able to feel like you are in control, I can understand not taking it to help you sleep. However, the big thing that needs to be mentioned is that there are thousands and thousands of people who use marijuana in combination with other holistic substances to help themselves sleep.
Keep the House Cool
If you are a hot blooded person then this is something that you probably already do. However, if you aren’t, this is a great way to help yourself sleep. At night, try lowering the temperature of your home by at least five degrees. That change in temperature has been shown to help people go to sleep and sleep harder than they would in a warmer house.
Try Going to Bed Earlier
Something that we all try and some succeed at, is going to bed earlier. It’s hard, I get it! There are so many things that we want to get done in the day and there’s even revenge procrastination or revenge doom scrolling. It’s all going to be hard to work against when all you want to do is get things done or relax.
Here’s what you need to remember, going to bed earlier may take away from getting some things done or take away from relaxation time, but that doesn’t mean that you are failing or depriving yourself of something. It means you are taking care of your body.
Create a Routine
Probably the simplest thing to think of but the hardest thing to do is to maintain an evening routine. It is one of the best ways to get your mind to gear down and start heading towards bed. Simple patterns such as a cup of tea or washing your face can be a great way to start your bedtime routine.
These eight tips are some of the most recommended ways to help yourself get better rest. Despite the craziness of the world, you can always try to get more sleep. It may take just a little bit of work, and that is okay!