Have you been using cable trays for all of your cable needs? These have been widely used since the 1940s and are used by communication teams and paper mills, to name a few.
The cable tray is a great tool to manage all of the cables you’re using that make your company run smoothly. There are currently five different cable trays used all over the world.
Learn more about cable trays and the different types.
1. Ladder-Type
Fiber optical, telecommunication, control, power distribution, and high-voltage are all cables that are used in a tray. The cable trays hold heavy-duty cables that you don’t want to move. These cables are what companies rely on to run networks and power.
This kind of tray looks just like the name. It has rails on two sides, and the cables will run up the middle.
This is great because the cables are accessed from the bottom or the top. The rungs on the ladder provide enough support for the cables to be tied down in multiple areas.
2. Channel Type
These trays have two rails on the side where they are attached to other equipment. They have many different-sized holes in them where cables are connected. Most of the time, the channel type is used in small cable installations. Metallic Conduits is one the best cable that is durable and strong.
3. Wire Mesh Cable Tray
The stainless steel wires are welded together to look like a basket. This kind of tray is also referred to as a basket cable tray. This tray is built to handle smaller cables such as fiber optic and low voltage on short spans.
4. Perforated Cable Tray
This is another tray that looks similar to the ladder tray, except for a piece of metal covering the front. By covering the front, it provides more support to the cables. These trays can handle higher voltage cables.
5. Solid-Bottom Cable Tray
Fiber optic cables are primarily used with this tray. This doesn’t allow them to droop, which could cause a disturbance in the connection.
If the company worries about an electromagnetic disturbance, this is another reason to use this tray. The bottom is not vented, so this can not occur.
Cable Tray Materials
Cable trays are made out of aluminum, steel, or stainless steel. Aluminum is widely used because it is lightweight and it doesn’t need any maintenance. Steel is great because of how sturdy it is, but it is pretty heavy. Stainless steel has high mechanical strength.
The material used in these trays can be used indoors or outdoors. Since these cable trays are so strong, they are able to withstand ice, snow, rain, and all of the other elements.
Cable Trays
Cable trays are widely used by companies all over the world. They’re a great way to manage a lot of cables. Whether you have high-voltage, fiber optic, or any other kind of cable, these trays will make holding onto them more manageable. Make sure to pick up some much-needed cable trays today.
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