With surging demand for processed poultry products, the need to develop an efficient debone system has been witnessed. To meet this growing demand, the performance of the deboning process had to match up as well. Therefore, factories have incurred huge investments to develop a robust infrastructure for deboning. In addition to this, the technology used in the debone systems couldn’t lag. Thus, we see advanced technological tools being used to deliver better results in cost-effective ways.
Nowadays we see debone tools used to be more efficient, agile, and precise for enhanced bone removal. This system to debone poultry also ensures that the process is undertaken with better hygiene and speed. We can also see the paradigm shift to automation and robotics for making this debone process error-free. However, the complete use of automation in the industry is still a challenge to combat. Nonetheless, we cannot neglect the benefits, high-end technology renders in the deboning process. So, let’s understand better how the procedure eventuates.
How to make an effectual process of deboning?
The deboning process is complex but with the emergence of automation, the procedure’s become seamless. The deboning process for a wide variety and range of carcasses has become precise. With the extensive use of technology, the majority of manual labor has been replaced with proficient machines.
Innovative technology is the one-stop-destination
Optimizing modern technology is a stellar solution for making the deboning process productive. To begin with, removing all the parts of the animal is not an easy road to take. Therefore, with the integration of technology, debone process has become effortless and keeps protocol in check.
Moreover, carcass imbalance has been resolved with the help of technology. Ethically, it’s unfair to only process a few parts of the broiler and export the rest. Thus, it is the need of the hour to debone the broiler completely.
Therefore, using technically-sound systems like what DGS provides improved meat quality and safety. Improved carcass balance would also result in upgrading the parts like drumsticks and thighs.
Automation is the future
The space of deboning will walk towards growth if we continue adopting intelligent automation tools. That’s because automation will increase the debone speed without compromising on accuracy. Furthermore, cutting movements will become faster with the aid of advanced automation. These tools help companies in adjusting their cutting paths based on different livestock.
As soon as the deboning process terminates, you’ll derive the production of high-yield skin and minimum bone content. Automatic skin pullers ensure the boneless flesh is extracted from the thighbone going up to the hip region. Additionally, the incorporation of tender pullers ensures tenders from deboned breasts are pulled out easily. These efficient machines will offload the burden of the workforce and make the debone process fruitful.
High-tech equipment is utilized
A lot of the latest tools like vision systems make precise skin cuts. These systems also come with in-built cameras and sensors to make sure the debone operations are efficient. Food safety is another critical challenge that is overpowered with the use of modernized tools.
For poultry processors to debone the skin with precision, world-class equipment is required. This is where brands like DGS come to the rescue. They have a high degree of automation and robotic tools for exuding greater deboning flexibility.