Did you know that curb appeal can increase the value of your home by up to 14%? For the weekend warriors, the first thing that comes to mind when reading that is probably your lawn – the smell of fresh-cut grass, those outfield-quality mower deck lines…and the lawn pests.
If you’ve ever spent a Saturday mowing and trimming meticulously after a long offseason of sowing and fertilizing, you understand the heartache that brown, dead patches of grass can cause. Let’s look at some of the most common lawn pests, how to identify them, and what to do about t.
Armyworms earned the name – they will descend upon your lawn in massive numbers in two to three waves a year. They’ll chew big brown bare circles into your otherwise well-manicured grass. We’re talking kiddy-pool-sized bare spots, and each wave will feed on your hard work for two or three weeks before molting to their moth phase.
All gardening and hardware stores will carry insecticides through spring and well into the summer season, so they are available and inexpensive.
If you have children or pets, you should consider a natural insecticide. Diatomaceous earth or neem oil are both great for treating armyworms while remaining non-toxic to beneficial insects and your family.
Grubs won’t just damage your lawn, they’ll attract even bigger, nastier, smellier pests to your property! These ugly little critters will kill your grass, weaken your turf, and then add insult to injury because they’re delicious to skunks, raccoons, and (gasp) moles.
Around midsummer if you start to notice brown spots in no particular shape or order in your lawn, you should inspect for grubs. If you notice spongy, loose soil or turf, c for grubs. If animals have started digging holes in your yard, you can thank grubs.
The “quick” way to deal with grubs is to spread an insecticide called Triazicide. Readily available and affordable, it comes in granules, powder, or spray that you apply to your lawn twice a year. Eliminating grubs will also go a long way toward getting rid of unsightly molehills.
Grubs can be incredibly frustrating because they’re hard to detect early enough to prevent moles from ruining your lawn. If the situation has gotten away from you, you should call an expert in the landscaping industry, such as Heartlandturf.com.
Chinch Bugs
Another nasty little pest common across the midwest (and most of the country) is the chinch bug. Like the creepy crawlers mentioned above, they feed on your grass and kill it out in a prolific fashion.
Chinch bugs give off a substance that prevents water from properly circulating through the grass, eventually killing it. You’ll see a purplish color on your lawn in most cases first, followed inevitably by those big brown dead spots that you love so much.
The same methods can be employed to fight a chinch bug infestation as you would on armyworms or grubs, so it’s not too much hassle.
Call a Professional About Your Lawn Pests
You can try to deal with armyworms on your own using a few different methods – store-bought insecticides, natural remedies, or call a professional.
Residential landscaping issues can be frustrating, so a smart homeowner will know when to swallow their pride and ask a professional in the landscaping industry for help with their lawn pests. If your DIYs and home remedies aren’t up to snuff, you’ll save money, sweat, and curse words. If you are interested in Melbourne turf supplies head over to Lilydale Instant lawn
If you would like more information on lawn care, see more of our landscaping articles.

Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.