Most people think that the ability to sing is just a gift that you have to be born with. While it’s true that some singers have a natural talent for it, singing is definitely a skill that can be learned and developed with the right training, music lessons, and regular practice. Just like we work on other muscles of our body, we can train our vocal folds to develop a pitch, tone, vocal power, control, resonance, agility, and the ability to sing higher notes without strain. In this article, we discuss 7 simple steps to teach yourself to sing:
- Tall Posture – The first step for beginners learning to sing is to use a tall posture. Bring your feet and hips shoulder-width apart so that you have a straight line between your feet, hips, and shoulders. This is what you call a tall posture.
- Breath Control – In the next step, you need to learn how to control your breath. The best practice to achieve that is to breathe from the diaphragm. It’s a great vocal exercise. You inhale for a few seconds, hold it to the count of 4, and then exhale.
- Vocal Agility – The next step is developing vocal agility. It is the ability to quickly and effortlessly move from one note to the next without having to slide up or down. Though it’s most noticeable with vocal trills and runs, vocal agility can also help you to get a beautiful sounding vibrato.
- Pitch – To become a good musician, it is important for you to develop pitch and rhythm: two of the most important elements of singing. In fact, the pitch can be the difference between an average sounding person and a professional singer.
- Resonance – The next step of how to learn to sing is developing resonance. Due to the reverberation of resonators inside the chest, throat, and sinus cavity, most people make the mistake of pushing harder when they want to add volume to their voice. The best way to add volume effortlessly without causing strain is to use the resonators built into your frame.
- Chest Voice & Head Voice – The next step is to learn to sing in chest voice and head voice. Chest voice is the range of notes at the bottom of your voice, whereas head voice is the range at the top part of your voice.
- Mixed Voice – The last and the most important step to get better at singing is developing the mixed voice. It is the blend between your primary registers, chest voice, and head voice. This step is crucial because it eliminates cracks in the voice and allows you to sing high notes with power and without strain.
So these were the 7 simple steps to teach yourself to sing. If you have a passion for singing but don’t know where to start, take lessons from the pros at Journey to Music Mastery and give yourself the ability to sing with freedom, control, power, and range.

Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Travel, health, shopping, lifestyle and business are among the many subjects she writes about. Through quality and well-researched writing, she informs and even entertains readers about things that matter. She is also interested in film critiquing and filmmaking. Giving all the glory to God, Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.