Becoming a parent is a daunting task. No amount of reading educational literature on the subject can prepare oneself for the job of being responsible for another life. Every year over 300 thousand babies are born in Australia. New parents struggle during the initial months after childbirth, as they do not know how to handle all the different things a child needs.
Is kid’s ear muffs a necessity? Is Swaddling good for the baby? These are all questions that parents start spiraling over. Usually, the mothers undergo post-Partum depression. Have someone to help you with taking care of the baby. It can reduce your stress considerably. Also, having more than one child requires extra hands on the deck.
Feeding and making babies sleep are arguably the most important tasks. So, let see how to deal with these tasks one at a time in the right way.
Feeding your Baby
The debate over which one is best-breastmilk or bottled milk has been going on forever. If the mother is in good health and has sufficient milk, it is recommended that the baby is fed breastmilk. As it has vital proteins and micronutrients that are not present in other sources. Explore options to buy breastmilk too.
If you are struggling with how often to feed your baby, the general rule of the thumb is to feed whenever the baby is hungry. They may signal it by crying, sucking their fingers, and so on. When babies are feeding, there is a chance for them to swallow air. Burp them often to avoid any issues regarding reflux or blockage.
- Lie them on your shoulder and gently pat their back till they burp.
- Make them lie face down on a bed on your lap ad ensure their head is raised. Gently pat their back to make them burp.
Always ensure your baby burps after feeding. Seat them in an upright position to avoid them spitting milk.
Putting your baby to sleep
Babies spend most of their sleeping. Yes, a staggering 16-18 hours in a day. As they grow they require fewer amounts of sleep. Their waking hours are mainly for feeding as babies have smaller stomachs that need frequent filling.
It is essential to put your baby to sleep on their back, as this is one of the primary causes of Sudden infant death syndrome. Babies have a high risk of suffocating so, avoid placing blankets, toys, and other materials in the bed. Swaddling the baby is an efficient way to keep them safe. Also, remember to position the baby’s head in different positions to prevent the case of a flat spot appearing in only a part of the head.
The first six months- 1 year is the time that parents have to be most cautious. Babies need more hands-on attention during this period. It is better if the baby sleeps in the same room as you.
Newborns have scrambled sleeping hours so, to ensure your sleep schedules match, reduce the excitement for the baby at night time. Dim the lights and avoid playing close to bedtime. Cover their ears with a kids ear muffs to avoid exposure to loud noises. Play and talk during the day. After a few days, the baby will start to feel sleepy at night.
Parenting is hard and stressful, but it is not impossible. The hardships involved also make the process richly rewarding. With a little bit of field training, all parents can become expert handlers of their children.

Hannah Gilbert is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copy writing, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility.