This is how you work with statistics of Instagram follower
There are few things that give as much satisfaction as seeing that what you do actually works. You feel it when you see statistics on Instagram with growing numbers of followers and interactions. That motivates! And with the figures for your Instagram company profile you can also see why some posts do better than others. That way you can sharpen your strategy and get even more reach and what’s better to have original German followers as well as all around the world?
Does it sound like a lot of work to analyze numbers? That’s not it! Instagram statistics are easy to understand and for each figure there is a brief explanation of what it means exactly. So even if you’ve never looked at statistics before, you can bet the numbers right away. Before that, you can click this link to get lots of Instagram followers free.
1. Explanation statistics in your profile
The Activity tab shows the interaction with your profile. For example, you can see how many new visitors you had and whether they have clicked on your link or contact information. This section also shows the total range and total number of views for the week compared to an earlier period. These figures are useful if you want to see if there is growth in the activity, for example if you share a competition or promotion.
The Content tab shows how your posts, Stories and promotions are doing and compares them with each other. If you click on “View all” you can filter on the type of posts, a specific period or specific figures such as comments, total interaction, followers, etc. That helps you to recognize which posts work best and why they work so well. You can then use that information for your next posts.
The Target group tab gives your insight into the followers you reach. For example, you see gender, age and location. If you have a local company and you want to reach a specific age group, you can easily recognize whether your account attracts the right followers. If you know when your followers are most active, you can cleverly plan your posts to reach as many of your followers as possible.
2. Explain statistics in your posts
You can view the figures for each post by clicking on “View Statistics” below the post. This is a kind of two-stage rocket: you will first see a brief summary. If you swipe to the right, you will see the details in more detail.
Here you can see the number of likes and comments and also how often the post has been shared or saved. The latter two are especially interesting because they show whether people found your post interesting enough to review or share with others later.
In addition to the figures for the post, you can also see how many new accounts the posts have reached and how you have reached them. Handy, because when you see which hash tags new people bring to your account, you can use those hash tags more often to collect more followers.
3. Explain statistics in your Stories
You can see who viewed a Story when you select a Story and swipe it up. In addition to the number of people you will find the tab for statistics. There you can see the interactions – how many people sent a response, how many chose stickers, etc.
If you see that many people leave without doing anything, it may be time to think about new content that visitors react to more. If they come back often, then you know that you have found a good style. You can find the detailed explanation for each statistic in the online help of Instagram.
How many users does Instagram have?
Instagram itself reports that it currently has more than 1 billion users. This has been the case since June 2018, so there are probably many more in the meantime! Together, all those people post more than 500 million Stories every day. It is good to see if that time for posts on your own company account is also true, also you can buy cheap Instagram followers from If your followers all happen to be on Instagram during lunch that is a much better time to post.
So look in the statistics for your Likes, Interaction and Stories to see when your followers are online and how they differ from the national average. The numbers and statistics can come across as the boring part of your Instagram account. Coming up with content and taking beautiful photos for Instagram is creative work and often much more exciting. Yet those statistics are very useful! You can recognize what you are already doing well and which creative content works for your followers.
That gives you a lot of direction and inspiration for new content. Working creatively is fun. Working creatively and knowing that your company benefits from it is even more fun! So dive into your numbers and come up with ideas for new experiments, series, Stories and other great things that you can show your followers.

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