There are approximately 1.35 million deaths around the world every year as a result of accidents on the road. That is a frightening number but is a fraction of the total number of accidents.
Anyone could get into a road accident, whether it be their fault or someone else’s. It makes sense to want to know what to do in a car accident aftermath.
Read on to discover the steps you should take if you have an accident on the road.
1. Safety First
In the immediate aftermath of a car accident, it’s important to ensure that you are as safe as possible. Turn off your engine as soon as you can and switch on your hazard lights to alert other motorists. Do not attempt to drive away, and check yourself and any passengers for injuries.
If the road has become blocked or there are any injuries, calling the emergency services should be number one priority. Do not leave your car unless you are absolutely certain it is safe to do so.
2. Check for Other Motorists
Once you have ensured yours and your passengers’ safety, check for any emergencies around you. If any drivers or passengers of any other vehicles have injuries, call an ambulance if you haven’t already. There are situations where you will also need to call the police, such as;
- If you suspect another driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- If someone involved leaves the scene of the accident without exchanging details
- If you think another motorist may have caused the accident intentionally
If there are no other motorists involved, it is important to record the incident. Communicate with the owner of any property you may have damaged.
3. Exchange Details With Other Motorists
You will undoubtedly feel shaken, or even angry if you feel the accident was not your fault, but it is important to remain calm. If you think the accident may have been your fault, do not admit guilt as it could work against you if you are mistaken.
Exchange your name and address with all other motorists involved in the accident, as well as your insurance information.
4. Record and Document the Car Accident Aftermath
There are a number of things to note down and record if you’ve been hurt in a car accident;
- Details of every car involved in the accident
- Photos and details of any damage to your vehicle and other vehicles
- When the crash happened – date and time
- Details of injuries to yourself and other motorists
- Contact details of any witnesses to the accident
Recording this information is important – it could protect you if another motorist makes false claims about the accident.
5. Report the Accident to Your Insurance Company
It is always best if your insurer hears from you before they hear from any other motorist’s insurer. Once you have reported the accident, any contact made with you regarding the accident can be directed toward your insurer.
Take Care on the Roads
The best way to make sure you don’t have to face a car accident aftermath is to be vigilant and aware on the road.
Of course, at times an accident may be unavoidable. But if you drive with care, the likelihood of an accident being your fault will be decreased, and could save you a lot of money.
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