Summer is a time of fun, sunshine, and outdoor activities of all kinds. Although it is the favorite season for many kids and adults, summer is also a time of increased safety risks. As the weather gets warmer, it’s important to be aware of the dangers of summer-related emergencies. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, swimming injuries, and bee sting reactions are all serious situations that can be fatal if not handled correctly.
Having CPR and first aid training is the best way to be equipped for any summertime emergency. Certification classes are available from a variety of sources, and it is easier than ever to get training. You can even find a number of CPR first aid training online courses that allow you to get certified from the comfort of your home. CPR training is essential so that you can step in if needed when summer fun turns into an emergency. Let’s take a look at some common summer-related emergencies.
Swimming Injuries and Drowning

Pools, lakes, ocean beaches, and other bodies of water fill up with eager swimmers in search of fun and reprieve from the sun during the summer. Though soothing and entertaining, these bodies of water present many risks to summer swimmers. Over-exertion is a cause of swimming injuries and drowning, and a fun situation can turn into an emergency quickly. If someone is drowning or is in trouble in the water, the first thing you should do is call for help immediately. If you can’t reach the person with your hand, try to throw something to them that will float, like a life jacket or a buoy. If this is not possible, try to get to a place where you can safely enter the water and swim to them. Once you reach them, support their head and neck and try to keep their mouth and nose above the water as you try to get them to the shore.
Once you have pulled someone from the water, it is important to check vital signs and ensure that they are breathing. If the victim is unconscious and not breathing, you will need to begin CPR. The faster you can begin chest compressions and rescue breaths, the better off the person will be. You’ll want to continue CPR until medical help arrives. The most important thing to do is to stay calm and try to help the person as best you can.
Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke
Heat exhaustion is a condition that can occur when someone has been exposed to high temperatures and humidity for a prolonged period of time. The body’s natural cooling system starts to fail, which can lead to heat stroke if not treated. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and headache. The best way to treat heat exhaustion is to get the person into a cool area and drink fluids. If they are vomiting or have a fever, they should see a doctor.
Heat stroke is a potentially life-threatening condition that can occur when someone is exposed to high temperatures for an extended period of time. The most common symptoms of heat stroke can include headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and loss of consciousness. If you think someone may be suffering from sunstroke, it is important to take them to a doctor or hospital immediately. There is no specific treatment for sunstroke, but the person will likely need to be hospitalized and treated with fluids and electrolytes.
In both situations, CPR and first aid training will be beneficial to help you remain calm and keep the person safe. This includes ensuring that the person remains hydrated and cool. If the person is unable to drink fluids on their own, then they will need to be given fluids intravenously at the hospital. In addition, ice packs should be applied to the person’s head, neck, and chest. The individual’s temperature should also be monitored closely.
Bee Stings and Insect Bites

As the weather gets warmer, bugs of all kinds come out. Some of the most common bug-related injuries that occur during the summer months are bee stings, wasp bites, and ant bites. In general, these stings and bites will cause minor pain and discomfort for a few hours but will subside in a short period. For some people, however, a sting or a bit could induce an allergic reaction and cause the person to go into anaphylactic shock. In these cases, the person may experience swelling, difficulty breathing, numbness, and may even lose consciousness.
When someone goes into anaphylactic shock from a sting or bite, you need to take action right away. First, call 911 or the local emergency number as soon as possible. You’ll want to make sure the person is lying down on a flat surface. If they are having trouble breathing, help them to breathe by giving them rescue breaths. If they are unconscious and not breathing at all, you will need to perform CPR. If available, you should also make use of an EpiPen to give them an injection of epinephrine to help reverse the reaction. It is important to keep the person calm and still until help arrives.
Overall, it is important to be able to identify and treat summer-related emergencies. From swimming incidents to bee stings and heat emergencies, there are a number of things to look out for this summer. In many cases, these emergencies can be fatal if not treated properly. Having CPR and first aid certification will give you the knowledge and skills needed to help you step in and possibly save lives.

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