Fishing charters and tours in Pensacola Beach
The Pensacola fishing charters are situated in the lovely Pensacola, the house of Blue Angles, Florida and sugar beaches of white sand. You’re not even missing the plane if you’ve not been Pensacola Beach before then. This is a pretty place and a little quieter than our east and west neighbors Destin and Orange Beach, with lower traffic and crowds. The Got’m is an unbelievable boat and you can enjoy riding it every minute. It’s a 34 foot Venture console. It is fast, comfortable and well-built when the nature decides to be painful and serve a few less than desirable conditions at the sea. As we know, sport fishing is not an exact science; to obtain results, hundreds of different conditions must be taken into account, many of them not even controllable by man. Well, without a doubt one of the points that can have the most influence when it comes to making the fishing day fruitful is the choice of the place where we will carry out this activity.
Like the river fisherman, who spends long days analyzing the characteristics of the area, seeing which are the best corners, what vegetation abounds, what insects … that is, what we commonly call “reading the river”; Something similar should be done by one who, perfectly equipped, tries to obtain results with his sets from the coast.
Although at first we do not know how to interpret them, the sea offers us many clues that show us where its inhabitants are, greatly facilitating our work.
Below we analyze the most important, so we urge you to read this article carefully, from whom we are sure you will get really interesting data.
If there is something that alters the state of the sea and that influences the development of , it is the waves. Produced by the friction of the wind against the surface of the water, waves are a phenomenon studied by any self-respecting fisherman before proceeding to launch, because they certainly have a very direct impact on the place where the fish are present. Well, the area that really interests the fisherman is the one where the wave rolls over, foaming and projecting water forward, causing what is called a “hangover” or “whirlpool”.
The reason is clear: all this movement of the sea ends up causing an excavation at the bottom, creating a sink of a certain depth that runs parallel to the beach, as if it were a real gutter. This coming and going of water carries with it a large amount of organic matter as well as small fish of all kinds, which end up settling in the mentioned gutter, irresistibly attracting other species that are really interesting for the fisherman.
That is why it is so important that we are able to reach this area with our sets, which is almost a guarantee of results. We must also pay attention to the so-called deep sea, which is something like a surge in the depth, although it does not have to be appreciated on the surface. In fact, the vast majority of the time it is not visible to the naked eye, although a couple of sets will be more than enough to realize its existence: there will be a deep sea if when picking up our rig constantly knots and tangles appear.
The deep sea is not only very annoying for Fishing charters and tours, but it is also almost like insurance that we will not get results. Certainly this coming and going of the waters excessively bothers the fish, which will escape to another area. Given the appearance of the bottom sea, most fishermen prefer to leave the fishing for another day; wise choice.
The state of the waters
Undoubtedly, the state of the waters largely determines whether or not they are populated with possible dams. But not only that, a brief analysis of this state will help us determine the materials and techniques that we must use in each case.
- Cloudy waters: it is normal that they are caused by a strong storm. In these cases, fishing is an impossible practice, although if we want to do it, we will opt for the river mouth areas, where the water will be calmer, becoming the place where fish often seek shelter.
- Slightly cloudy waters: those that we will see a few hours after the storm has passed or after a strong storm. They are also not good waters for casting fishing.
- Opalescent waters: those that return to normal, losing the earthy substances that floated, but conserving organic matter that maintains them with some color. They are good waters for fishing.
- Clear waters: ideal for fishing. We must bear in mind that if we see better, the fish will also have greater visibility, so we must use fine lines and lures with sober colors, which we will carefully recover.
The tides
The state of the tide is one of the first data that we must know. Local tides make up perfectly predictable information that we can find out about through different means (you can consult the “Tide Tables” section on our website).
As we know, the tides are periodic oscillations of the sea, produced by the attraction that the Moon exerts on the body of water. The fisherman must be well aware of his condition, since he provides us with important information:
- Full moon phases: what we call “living tides” occur, which are usually accompanied by significant movement throughout the marine environment.
Despite the fact that good results can be obtained with them (some of the best records have been achieved with this type of tides), depending on the area of the coast where we are, they can be dangerous, in addition to being certainly uncomfortable to maintain the equipment in correct position.
Of course, if we fish in one of these tides, it will be essential to have heavy gear that allows us to launch correctly. - Phases of crescent or waning crescent: the sea will present just the opposite aspect to the one previously mentioned, it is what we know by the name of “dead tides”.
At this time the movement of the fish is scarce and it will be rare to see a good-sized specimen near the coast, since they move away from it. - However, results may be obtained depending on the species we are looking for and other external conditions.
- Intermediate phases: in them it is really difficult to determine the state in which the fish will be, depending on multiple elements.
It is an admitted fact that fish follow the movement of the tides; the most probable cause of this is that the ebb and flow currents they cause carry algae and other floating debris in which there are small organisms that fish feed on, so many species constantly follow the tides.
Sea currents
Large marine currents are movements capable of transporting large bodies of water from one region of the world to another. As a technical definition of current it is indicated?
Despite the fact that for the vast majority of us, these currents go completely unnoticed, the truth is that they have a very important influence on two events as fundamental as world climatology and the biological characteristics of the nearby maritime zones; due to the regulation of the water temperature and the contribution of nutrients that they suppose.
Indeed, the currents carry with them a large amount of food that makes many small and medium-sized fish stand at their limits, in order to eat. And that is also known by predators, which will not walk far. The effect of currents will be more noticeable on large beaches. To notice the existence of a current, we will do it by throwing large pieces of wood into the water, when we find the point at which said wood sails inward, instead of being returned by the waves; We will have found the optimal place to make our sets. We should also know that the hours of both the rise and fall of the tide are usually the best moment of the current, when it will give us greater opportunities to achieve the best results.
In addition to these currents, it is worth noting the existence of other displacements of water masses that must also be taken into account. This other type of currents can be natural (river mouths), or motivated by some type of planned water supply (opening of floodgates).
For all this, fishing is always so fruitful in the outlets of the estuaries.
The quality of the funds
The quality of the seabed naturally affects the quality and quantity of its inhabitants. To get to know the type of bottom on which we are going to fish, we must take into account the relief of the coastline, since the seabed is an extension of it. In any case, we will have specific information on this information in the marine charts of the area.
Depending on the type of fund, we must know:
- White bottoms: clear sand bottoms, which are usually crowded by a small number of relatively little gregarious species.
- Black bottoms: formed by sand or silt, covered with vegetation and in which we will undoubtedly find a great variety of fish.
- Rocky bottoms: rocks are undoubtedly the preferred hiding place for large numbers of carnivorous fish.
Wind is another factor that cannot be controlled by the fisherman, but it can be decisive when it comes to achieving results. On the one hand we must take into account the force with which it blows and on the other, a fundamental fact for fishing: the direction in which it blows. If a certain wind is good or not for fishing, it will depend on the area we are in, like this:
- Mediterranean: the worst wind for fishing is the one that comes from the south.
- Cantabrian: the best winds are those that come from the south and the west, since they are humid as well as temperate. In this area, winds from the east and north are feared.
- Atlantic: idem to the Cantabrian Sea.
At a general level, it is considered that a soft breeze is always advisable for fishing, since a totally calm sea does not usually give results.
The pressure
As strange as it may seem at first, the truth is that the barometer is one of the most useful instruments of all those that exist for the fisherman, since it will help us obtain a large amount of information with which to plan our fishing trips with certain guarantees.
Indeed, with it we will be able to know the meteorological trend in advance, while (if we carry out an exhaustive control), it will allow us to establish a more than useful correlation between the pressure and the number of captures achieved. At a general level, the barometer indicates the atmospheric pressure, in such a way that high pressures indicate dry weather, while low pressures are a sign of rain or wet weather.
But this is not the only data that we can obtain from this device, we must also take into account the pressure trend, understanding as “trend” the increase or decrease in pressure in an interval of about 3 hours, in this way:
- Slow and steady descent: announces that there will be wind for a few days.
- Rapid descent: indicates wind immediately.
- Low descent: weak wind.
- Important descent: strong wind.
- Slow and long climb: a sign of good weather for the next two or three days.
- Quick upload: short-lived upgrade.
Atmospheric pressure has a huge influence on the behavior of fish, since they are very sensitive to its variations. Thus, when it drops rapidly (bad weather announcement), it is normal for the fish to flee to the large depths where they will be safer; their instinct makes them anticipate the arrival of good weather and before the storm even ends we will have them again near the shores, looking for the long-awaited “easy meal”. Therefore, it is essential to constantly be aware of variations in the barometer.
The beach
The profile of the beach and its inclination can be very helpful data to define the species that we can find as well as our possibilities to obtain results:
- Beach with a strong inclination: few waves will form on it. The most numerous inhabitants will be the sparids, flatfish and rays.
- Flat beach: there will be waves even when the sea is calm. It is preferred by sea bass.
In order to know the appropriate place to place ourselves on a beach, we must first carry out an exhaustive analysis of it and of the possible fishing areas it offers us. For this, it is convenient to study the characteristics of the specific place:
- Large open beaches: They are usually good for fishing although, because there is nothing in them that stands out especially, it is very difficult to determine the exact place in which to place.
- Enclosed beaches: They are usually located between rocky or abrupt points that are undoubtedly a great refuge for many species. In fact, for many fishermen, the most suitable places are the small coves located between rocky areas (which undoubtedly makes an ideal environment for hosting all kinds of marine life).
It is always advisable to carry out an analysis of the beach at low tide, looking at the possible pools, ridges, corridors, elevations … which are the best places to which we must launch our baits to obtain results. In your observation keep in mind that any discontinuity in a break can suppose the presence of a deep corridor.
Likewise, the mouths of small streams in any area of the beach make up a good location.
We must also pay attention to the composition of the sand, opting for the areas in which the coastal band is formed by small stones, gravel pits and the remains of seashells, where we will undoubtedly find flat fish.
General advice
In addition to everything discussed, there are a number of general tips that you should know:
- Keep in mind that the absence of light is always something favorable for shore fishing. That is why the hours of dusk and dawn, as well as the night itself, are the most appropriate times.
- The groynes that are normally located at the mouth of the ports are must-see places for surf-casting fans.
- Always take into account the characteristics of the specific species you wish to fish, considering that its morphology determines where it is comfortable in the sea. So it is normal that we find the sea bass almost between our legs, while other fish with a stronger constitution, such as bream, will be more at the bottom.
But not only that, many species come closer to the coast at certain times of the year, while for months they stay away. These are seasonal movements that should be known and that vary in each species.
Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” he is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.