The psychiatric evaluation test is the main approach that the treating physician has to address the general situation. This evaluation considers an anamnesis and an examination of the person’s mental state. In the anamnesis, the doctor evaluates whether the patient is in a position to provide the necessary information about his condition (remember that in extreme cases, mental disorders prevent fluid communication). If this is not possible, the psychiatrist should direct his steps towards relatives and close people who can provide relevant antecedents of the patient. Online psychiatric evaluations are used to diagnose emotional, behavioral, or developmental disorders.
Now, if the patient can communicate his ideas clearly, the professional proceeds to carry out a type of interview with open and structured questions so that the affected person can have space to tell his story and also give an account of important details of his everyday operation with the greatest amount of detail.
After the anamnesis, an assessment of the person’s mental state is carried out. Through observation and questioning, the main mental functions are analyzed, such as the type of thought, alertness, and mood & among others.
During the psychiatric evaluation process, short standardized questionnaires are used since they are more useful for detecting the most important symptoms during this type of psychological test. In addition, professionals can rely on brief surveys to assess depressive symptoms, general functioning, or suicide risk. On some occasions, the psychiatrist may request the application of a psychological test, applied by specialist psychologists, to enrich the understanding of the patient’s difficulties or clarify the diagnosis, so the psychologist-psychiatrist work is usually complementary and a contribution to the prompt recovery of patients.
- Psychopedagogy
Many parents can see the psychology consultation as a method underperforming; however, when a child has problems learning is where its usefulness is shown. Psychopedagogy is a discipline that deals with addressing people’s behavior and the psychic phenomena that occur within the framework of the educational process. The final goal that it aims to achieve is the satisfactory development of the student within the educational environment in which it is found.
The development of psycho pedagogy consists of an interdisciplinary approach, in which knowledge from the area of education, developmental psychology, and mental health are combined, being the psycho-pedagogical consultation an instance in which a professional evaluate in-depth the capacities and difficulties that a child would present about their learning process, to design effective interventions in favor of the adequate academic development of boys and girls. Finally, the psycho-pedagogical consultation becomes the main action process of the discipline, extracting the information that will make it possible to propose the necessary interventions in favor of the student.
When a professional recommends that parents consult with the psycho pedagogue, there is a lot of ignorance and fear; does this mean that the child suffers from mental or cognitive health problems? This is not necessarily so. A child may have specific learning difficulties or organizational capacity, without this necessarily being associated with difficulties in his thinking or an emotional disorder.