Hay fever is very common during warm and humid conditions. With this type of weather, the number of pollens are observed to be at its peak. These pollens, as well as other irritants cause hay fever or allergic rhinitis. This condition usually lasts for a few days, but for some, it takes weeks and event months.
The common symptoms are coughing, ear ache, frequent headache, hives, itchy eyes, loss of smell, runny nose, shortness of breath, sneezing, sore throat, stuffy nose, tightness in the chest, tiredness, watery eyes, and wheezing. Some of these symptoms occur rarely while others only appear after long exposure to irritants.
If you understand hay fever prevention, you’ll be able to avoid these symptoms and the condition altogether. Here are four things you need to do:
- Boost your immune system. If you keep your immune system strong, you’ll be able to control your allergies. A study shows that microbiodata plays a role in allergy prevention. Microbiodata is found in the intestines and works for immune defense. If you’re able to maintain a healthy immune system, you’ll be able to avoid irritants that trigger your allergies.
Decrease in the number of microbiodata is affected by a number of reasons. For instance, being exposed to insecticides. When you have too much exposure to such substances, it interferes with the development of your immune system, therefore, increasing the risk of having allergies.
To boost your immune system, always eat healthy food, include these in your diet – green, leafy vegetables, fish, fruits, lean protein, nuts and whole grains. Probiotics may also help. Also remember to do regular exercises everyday. Rest is also important, so be sure you get eight hours of sleep. And don’t forget to always follow safety practices such as washing your hands often.
- Protect yourself outdoors. Having hay fever doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the outdoors. There are still ways to do so without putting yourself at risk. You can still enjoy the summer while protecting yourself through several ways.
Firstly, be aware of when the best time is to go outdoors. Of course, pollen is very common during summer. But they can also be triggered during rainy weather, in some instances. What you can do is check the allergy forecast.
Secondly, know how to dress right. What should be your outfit add-on? A brimmed hat for hair and face protection and sunglasses for your eyes. Pollen mask would be a great addition too.
And lastly, remember to do safety measures once you get home. Leave your shoes outside to avoid getting pollen inside your home. Remove and change your clothes without delay. Shower at night or as early as possible to get rid of pollen stuck on your hair. Once you wash your clothes, remember to hang them inside to avoid pollen sticking to it.
- Avoid irritants that trigger your allergies. This is one of the best ways to prevent allergies. It is your best defense. It won’t be as easy as you think it is, but if you’re careful, you can be successful.
What are the most common allergens out there? Cockroaches, dust mites, mold, pets, pollen, and other irritants. If you know what triggers your allergies, you’ll be able to avoid them altogether.
Reduce your exposure to cockroaches by always keeping your kitchen clean. Don’t leave food on the table, and use containers for leftovers. Make sure your trash cans are always emptied.
It’s impossible to avoid dust mites, but you can limit your contact with it by cleaning your pillow and mattress covers regularly. You can also use dust-proof materials. Avoid stuffed animals or cover them in plastic.
To avoid molds, make sure all your rooms – basement, bath, kitchen, etc are always regularly cleaned.
To avoid getting allergic reactions from pets, keep them outdoors, and always wash your hands after taking care of them and their needs.
To avoid getting allergic reactions from pollen, always wash your hands and shower after spending your time outdoors.
- Consult an allergist. Anaphylactic reaction can get worse quickly, and it can be fatal if you don’t react fast. The best thing to do to protect yourself is get professional help. If your allergies are genetic, you can’t do anything to get rid of it. So prevention is key. Consulting an allergist is a sure step in prevention because you’ll be aware of your condition, how to prevent it, and what to do if you suffer from an attack.
If you’re gradually developing the symptoms over time, it’s time to visit an allergist. They’ll be able to provide you a customized treatment plan to avoid the symptoms as well as improve your quality of living. You’ll get all the information you need in avoiding triggering factors.
Allergy testing will help your doctor identify what allergens are causing your symptoms, and you may receive shots weekly to get rid of your allergy issues gradually.

Andrea Parker is a reporter for Zobuz. She previously worked at Huffington Post and Vanity Fair. Andrea is based in NYC and covers issues affecting her city. In addition to her severe coffee addiction, she’s a Netflix enthusiast, a red wine drinker, and a voracious reader.