If you are freezing while jogging in winter, constantly having a sore throat or cannot even motivate yourself to do so, then you should not stop and read on urgently.
Jogging in winter is a real pick-me-up! Because the increased blood flow enables the body to absorb oxygen better; After just a few steps, we immediately feel fresher.
In addition, the fine lung hairs, which in winter often only feel dry heating air, enjoy invigorating fresh air. And if you’re lucky, you might even catch a few rays of sunshine. To blink into the soft brightness is not only a relief for the eyes; Our mood also urgently needs daylight.
So let’s go – try it yourself! Jogging in winter can be so nice. All you have to do now is follow our tips.
The right running clothing in winter
Newcomers in particular dress too warmly when jogging in winter. But the overheating not only makes the running unit more difficult, it also increases the risk of catching a cold. Choose your jogging clothes in winter so that it feels a little fresh before you start running.
It’s best to work with multiple shifts. A long-sleeved shirt, a sports jacket or sweater and running trousers are part of the basic equipment. The headgear is also important: if your head sweats unprotected, you run the risk of catching a nasty cold.
A little tip on the side: New outfits also bring new motivation. So treat yourself to a pretty and practical piece every now and then. You can buy your favorite outfits on a discount at Wadav.com.
What material should the running clothing be made of in winter?
Cotton is unsuitable for jogging in winter. It does not transport the moisture outwards, but rather absorbs it and dries it slowly again, so that you quickly risk catching a cold.
Functional materials made of microfibers or polyester fleece are more suitable. Reflectors on jacket, pants and shoes are a must to be seen in the dark. Headlamps have also proven useful for orientation.
Which shoe should I wear for jogging in winter?
Jogging in winter is especially fun when you can really let off steam. So walk off the beaten track, enjoy the beautiful winter landscape and don’t be afraid of mud and snow. Jumping through puddles not only awakens boisterous childhood memories, but also puts you in a good mood.
For this, however, you need special winter running shoes with a reinforced profile. Some of these are even equipped with a cross sole and ensure optimum grip even in the deepest snow. The outer material of such functional shoes is also waterproof, washable and provided with reflectors.
Breathe properly when jogging in winter
Do you have an uncomfortable itchy throat after every run in winter? Then you may be breathing wrong. To protect the lungs, you should always breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth when the temperature is low. A fleece scarf is also practical. This protects the sensitive neck area and can also be pulled over the mouth if necessary.
Why the warm-up is so important
Only when the ligaments and tendons have reached a certain temperature are they elastic enough to prevent injuries. Even in the joints, a protective smear layer only forms when there is sufficient heat. For this reason, a thorough warm-up when jogging in winter is essential. Just jump rope for a few minutes at home or run on the spot before you venture into the winter run.
Exercise if you have a cold?
Contrary to what many believe, exercise is not a fundamental taboo for colds. The opposite can even be the case: If you have just a little cold, slight movement stimulates the blood flow, which also promotes the transport of immune cells and the removal of pathogens.
Colds can therefore even subside faster. However, you should just run relaxed and not break a sweat. However, there is an absolute ban on sports in the event of severe symptoms or fever.
Nothing works without motivation
To really get away from the couch, jogging in winter has to be really fun. Make the training as varied as possible. For example, you could plan your running route as a small sightseeing tour by walking through your place of residence and looking closely at the buildings while jogging. Or you can join a running group that meets regularly and motivates each other. In addition, audio books are a great companion when running and distract from the effort.
And don’t forget: the big piece of chocolate cake that is already waiting for you at home. But running is really worthwhile at any time of the year. So let’s go!