Track to Be Good Leader
Today we want to explain to you how to be a good leader by avoiding the most common mistakes made by bad leaders. First, pay attention to the traits that identify harmful leaders:
They focus more on problems than on solutions
They think they know everything
They are usually not accessible to their teams
They see people as tools and / or machines
They don’t know how to listen
They are suspicious
They never thank
They are self-absorbed
They don’t delegate and don’t let others make decisions
To be a good leader, act by following these six guidelines:
1. Be Humble
If you are a leader, you are also a team leader. Highlight the strengths of your employees rather than their weaknesses. Bring out the best in everyone, express your gratitude for a job well done and thank often. The best way to be humble is to start smiling. Smile at everyone, nothing is worth not doing it.

2. Communicate
Share with others what you are trying to get. Share your goals and objectives. Explain your intentions in a positive way. Remember that bad leaders don’t know how to lead and only pay attention to problems. Do not do the same thing and visualize success. Only by thinking positively, you will succeed in transmitting an attractive and motivating vision to your team.
3. Listen
Unlike bad chefs, a good leader listens to his collaborators. Learn to listen to others and show interest in your team. Ask them what they think, find out what concerns them and respect their professional opinions regarding the projects that have been launched. Become an auditor of your own team and you will see all the benefits you will get in return.
4. Solicit feedback
The proof that you are on the right track to be an effective leader is demonstrated in your courage when you ask for feedback about yourself. Does not fear criticism, on the contrary, a good leader must know how to surround him with people who are ready to analyze his management? Being ready for censorship and constructive criticism is a sign of strong leadership.

5. Think strategically
Think of your surroundings in a panoramic way to see what others do not see. Learn to go beyond simple tactical details to position your business, and focus on the reasons for the decisions you make.
6. Change the singular to the plural
When you speak, use “we” instead of “I”. Speak in the plural; make others feel fully part of your team. You are a whole, a team of people with common goals. The more we use the “we”, the less we hear the “I”, the link between all is stronger and everyone feels more involved in a project.