Fishing is a wonderful hobby that so many people all over the word take seriously. Apart from hobby, fishing can also be done for commercial purposes and even as competition. In this article, we are not going to be focusing on the competitive aspect of fishing. We will be focusing on the hobby part. Frank from Amarine said.
Fishing can be done almost anywhere but if you wish to fish on fresh water, there are some things that you need to take into consideration in order to enjoy a wonderful fishing activity. There are special time by which you can fish and catch the best.
Best season for fishing
Fishing can be done in any season but the best season to fish is the spring or autumn. In the spring period, the weather becomes warmer and the flowering plants begin to show forth their beautiful flowers and the leaves on trees begin to grow.
In this period, everything is calm and cool and it serves as a wonderful time for fishes to show up too but not in the common places. During spring, the shallow water beside the deep water are where you will find some fish. You will also find a lot of fish on lakes and rivers.
Autumn is a time when worms come out and the love of worms by fish cannot be overemphasized. Around this period, you can catch a lot of carps. If you go out to the sea, you can also catch fish like flounders, mullets, Pollock, bass and so on.
It has been said that autumn is the best time to catch several species of fish. The middle of autumn is also the best time to use more natural baits to catch fish. As the autumn period proceeds, many fish will become less active. You can easily find them in deeper water or near snags.
Best time (morning and evening)
Fish are early morning feeders and that means it is the best time to fish. They would come to the surface and shallow areas to look for food. At the time, the surface of the water will be clear and you can easily see the fish swimming around. Get your hooks and other fishing equipment ready.
Just like in the morning, fish also come out in the evening. This because bugs and mosquitoes are also usually active in this time period and they are easy picking for fish. Another reason why fish come out in the evening is because it is the time when the water temperature begin to cool off. It is the time for the fish to bite.
Weather affects fish feed
The weather plays a big role in determining if a fish would come out to relax or feed or not. Three things are great determinants and they include: wind, water temperature and the barometric pressure.
Winds can cause waves on the surface of the water. The more a wind blows, the more the level of the friction caused. This prevents the fish from swimming towards the surface of the water at the time and obviously there is no chance of fishing.
The temperature of the water also affects the fish in the water. Fish are more active in warmer waters compared to colder waters and that makes them need more food to survive. In colder waters, they need less food.
The third is the barometric pressure. The change in the barometric pressure of water can cause fish to become more active and enter into a feeding frenzy in which they feed more aggressively. When you fish, you are going to catch a lot of fish.
4. Currents
Depending on where you fish, whether in a moving water, for example a river or a pond or lake, the current there matters a lot. The availability of the nutrient in the water is based on how the current affects the water. Whenever there is current, you should cast your bait farther up it. That gives it enough time to get to the bottom and catch fish.
5. Light
The behavior of a fish can also be as a result of light. The availability of light affects the physiological conditions of the fish. Artificial light is said to affect the growth and development of fish. Natural light from the sun also plays a role. Fish have less biological need for fish.
This is why on sunny days, freshwater fish look for shaded areas, whether it’s under a dock, a fallen tree, or branches that overhang the water. Sunlight, however, is great for algae and fish love eating algae. While fish hide from too much sunlight, you can be sure that they will be back later for the algae. That is the time to catch many of them.
When to fish?
Considering all these factors, it is quite easy to know the best time and the best places to fish and catch amazing fish. Whenever you go to fish, you should not focus on catching on just a big fish. Relax and you will be able to catch one without stress.

Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.