You can utilize your spare time to improve your creative skills. Many folks out there concentrate on sewing or embroidery. This activity keeps you in the present moment, alongside building self-confidence. Try creating your own embroidered patches from scratch.
Here is the guide on designing these patches. The steps we have articulated will make it effortless for you to understand the embroidery process.
Guide to Design Custom Embroidered Patches
Gathering the Essentials First
Prior to initiating your embroidery project, you should collect the essential supplies. You might most probably find them somewhere in your house. If not, just make a list, and go buy because they are easily available as well.
To design custom embroidered patches, you require needles, thread and hoop. Also, you have to keep the fabric closer, which will be the placement for this patch. You can use any of your clothes and accessories for this DIY project. For instance, your casual shirt, trousers, nightwear, backpack and cap. Make certain to pick a fabric which will perfectly flaunt the embroidery patch.
Draw and Move the Design
Now is the time to create the artwork. Think why you wanted to start this project in the first place. Maybe, you were inspired by a patch you saw on someone’s t-shirt. Or maybe, you decided to upgrade your style and look funky. If this is your first time, we recommend you not sew or embroider for professional purposes, like creating patches for your uniform. Purchase a ready-made one instead.
Now, you should start drawing the artwork on a piece of paper. Once you have completed, transfer it to the fabric or placement. In order to trace the artwork, you can either use fabric pencil or transfer paper. The latter makes the tracing process much easier. Show precision in this matter.
Embroidery Hoop and Stitches
An embroidery hoop basically comprises two hoops. Place the fabric between these hoops before joining. The end result will look like a frame. The embroidery hoop can hold the fabric firmly. This way, you can focus more on stitching with a neat outcome.
Next is to select the type of stitching. These types give various effects or textures to the embroidery. Oftentimes, you will figure out the type of stitch once you begin embroidering, depending on the design requirement. The examples of such stitches include backstays and French knots.
Choose a Patch Backing
When custom-made patches are designed, you need to select a suitable backing. Most of the patch backings can work for your project. Let’s begin with an easier one, which is iron-on backing. First, you require fabric glue. Put it on the patch. Then, keep a safety fabric close to you.
Afterwards, preheat iron, and position the placement, patch and safety fabric correctly. Press the heated iron on the safety fabric, which lies above the targeted cloth and the embroidery patch. Do it for a few seconds and turn the cloth over to iron the other side.
You can sew the patch to your garment as well. This is more durable than iron-on backing as the latter can most likely detach after some washes.
Automatic Sewing Machine
Instead of embroidering yourself, you can use an automatic or computerized sewing machine. This can save a lot of time and effort. All you have to do is upload your decided artwork to the machine. Additionally, check out online which ones are the best embroidery machines for custom patches.
However, the drawback is its price. Surely, it is more expensive than buying needles, threads and hoops. Opt for the machine only if you can afford it.
Ordering a Customized Embroidery Patch
Ordering a personalized embroidery patch is the best alternative. You can save your efforts of learning how to sew by just investing some money. The patch manufacturers are professionals who have tons of experience in making the patches as per your demands.
Hence, just clearly construct the artwork and look for a reliable option. For searching the right patch brand, you should thoroughly do the research. Search for a nearby shop or online options which are well-reputed. The existing customer reviews can help you out in this matter.
Working on a DIY custom embroidered patch is fun and enhances your self-confidence. You can begin with gathering the items like embroidery hoop, threads, needles, fabric, paper and pencil. Moreover, choose the threads as per the artwork requirements, such as what colors are crucial.
Then, work on drafting the design on a paper. Trace it on fabric precisely using a transfer paper or just using fabric pencil. Now, concentrate on the stitching process by selecting the stitching type and preparing the embroidery hoop.
Lastly, pick a firm backing type. You can use an automatic sewing machine too. Or, to keep yourself away from all this hassle, order a personalized embroidered patch from a trustworthy seller.

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