Your notebook’s batteries are just like humans: in the end they will inevitably die once. And just like people, they don’t do Moore’s Law: you can’t assume that the batteries you buy this year will last twice as long as those of last year. Battery technology is gradually improving (better batteries make a lot of money), but although there are some interesting possibilities in the pipeline, unfortunately we do not have to expect any major breakthroughs in the near future.
Although your battery will sooner or later give up the ghost, with some good care you can postpone the inevitable. In this article we show how you can make the battery of your laptop work for you as long as possible. With a little luck even so long that you might as well replace your entire laptop (who knows for a model that can last longer with a load). I also mention some tips that will help you get the most out of a single charge, so that you can work longer without a power outlet.
Do not completely empty it
Lithium Ion batteries (as you find them in modern laptops nowadays) don’t like it when you drain them to the last bit. If you do that once or twice, you will not immediately lose your battery, but do it often enough and you will shorten the lifespan considerably. (There is an exception to this rule, but I will return to that later.)
The good news is that you will probably not be able to drain your Notebook Battery completely, unless you really do your best. Most modern laptops are designed in such a way that they close before the battery runs out. Windows Vista and 7 even have specific settings for this purpose, which you can find under Power Management. The default setting is usually around 5 percent, and it is wise to keep it that way. XP itself does not have such a function, but many notebook builders provide a tool for it themselves.
Do you have to fully charge your battery?
Opinions differ on this. For this article I spoke to experts who say that you should and should not do it. If I have to choose, I go for full load. The advantage of a fully charged battery, working longer without Adapter, in my opinion is worth the relatively small risk of causing damage to it.
strong>Keep it cool
Make sure you leave the air vents free when you use your laptop. Never place your notebook on soft pillows or blankets. Better yet: place it on a standard that allows as many free air flows as possible. Clean the air vents regularly with a spray can of compressed air. You can buy it for a few euros at any computer store. Follow the instructions on the bus and only do it when the notebook is switched off.
Allow him some rest
If you expect that you will work exclusively on the mains in the coming week or more, remove the battery from your laptop.
If you do not, the battery will be exhausted by the constant charging and discharging, while you do not even need it. You also ensure that it does not become unnecessarily hot (see above).
Make sure the battery is not too empty when you take it out. An unused battery slowly loses its charge, and it is not intended to run out completely, so make sure it is at least half full when you remove it.
Never remove a battery while the computer is on, or even in standby or sleep mode, otherwise the system will crash and you may also damage your hardware. Even connecting a battery to a running laptop can cause damage. Only get the battery when the laptop is completely off (or in Hibernate / Hibernate mode).
In the freezer?
There are people who claim that it is best to store your battery in the freezer, in a watertight and airtight plastic bag. It is indeed best to keep batteries cool, but moisture is deadly for a battery, and condensation is by no means excluded in a freezer. Preferably keep them in a dry place at room temperature. A simple closed cupboard is fine.
It is not good to leave the battery for too long and give it the chance to drain completely. After a month or two it is wise to put it back in the notebook and use it for a few hours. Then he can (if sufficiently charged) back in the cupboard.
If you are planning to travel with the battery again, replace the battery and allow it to charge for a few hours before you unplug the power cord. Allow the battery to fully charge.
Can batteries be resuscitated?
Strictly speaking, a Lithium Ion battery cannot hold more electrons than it can at a certain moment.
But if the battery runs out unexpectedly quickly, or if your laptop is struggling to determine how much power is still available, you may be able to repair the ‘fuel meter’ so that it provides correct data.
If you suspect that the battery is not communicating properly whether it is charged or not, let it go through a number of laps in which you pull it completely empty (yes, this is such a situation where you can drain the battery completely) , then fully recharge again, and then again once or twice.
How do you drain a battery if Windows does not allow it? Don’t muddle with Windows settings, because you are not sure if they read the correct values and there is a chance that Windows will not even allow you to go that far (after all, Windows will crash if you drain the battery completely).

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.