Let’s focus on the reasons why Computer Science students generally need to have their programming homework done by a team of coding experts and online tutors.
First of all, it can be explained by the lack of time.
If you know about students life just from serial movies, you wouldn’t understand this, because you might live with a misconception that students normally just party, drink, and are bothered only about their appearance, or relationships. Previously, it was popular to shoot movies about fun students, now, as in euphoria, it became popular to shoot serial movies about troublesome college students. However, the misconception stays, “students do anything about study.” It is very far from the truth.
The overwhelming amount of homework assignments students face in the last five years is difficult to describe. While the educational system struggles to prepare students for real life challenges, lots of outdated practices make it impossible to follow the syllabus and submit everything on time. We are not even speaking about having enough time and energy to dig deeply into every topic. All this creates our perfect situation for ordering assignments online at least from time to time. It leads many students to question that legality of such practice. So…
Is it illegal to pay for your programming homework?
It is legal because it solves your problem that is created not by you.
Someone would say that it is a crippled logic, because this way we can call legal almost anything. It is not true; we are not trying to play with terms here. In two-thirds of cases students claimed that they would like to do their homework on their own, and not to spend extra money on assignment help online. But, as we have described above, it is not always possible. Students are put into the situation where in many cases they don’t have any other choice than to address a professional service that helps with programming homework. Does it mean that students who are forced to do it are doing something illegal? We don’t think so.
It is legal because it depends only on students how they will use that received programming homework.
Many students order homework online because that education they received in college or high school or even University is not enough to understand that necessary topic completely. Think about it as about buying more practical textbooks which you can truly learn from. Lots of students use the received papers or coding assignments as examples for their own work. This way you learn a lot, and can perform better in class, and later at work. This is one of the reasons why programming help online should be considered legal. That intention of people who provide this kind of assistance is not to cripple the educational system or help students violate the Honor Code. The true goal is to show options, teach, and not to leave students discouraged about profession and their abilities.
It is legal to pay someone to do your programming assignment because it is like tutoring but more efficient.
Tutoring is completely legal. Tutoring is even encouraged in high school and college. It is considered that if a student hires a tutor to deal with assignments together it shows how serious he is about his or her studies. But in most cases working with a tutor is not very different from ordering papers online, as tutors enormously help with the homework to those they teach. The act is almost the same, but the name is different, and it makes tutoring not only legal, but praised. You decide for yourself how you use different types of help you can receive with your programming assignments online. Only your decision defines the legality of the action.
Paying someone to do a programming assignment for you is legal, as with the changes provoked by COVID-19 it may be the only option.
Thousands of students in the US only don’t have enough access to the normal educational process anymore, to libraries, tutors, group educational sessions and boot camps. It strongly affects their ability to perform and deal with the programming homework assignments on time. In this situation looking for help from coding experts online is a viable solution. If pandemia cannot be seen as force majeure, then what can?! Again, seeing how professionals address a particular assignment can truly help in understanding some challenging topics.
Yes, you still have to spend time and efforts to assess and study the programming homework created by someone to you. As you have chosen this profession it is only normal to dedicate yourself to it, in order to keep on track. However, in the business world, ability to delegate is one of the most cherished and important skills. Why not acquire it now?