In the last few years, Kazakhstan has enjoyed a renaissance of interest from the international community. Celebrities, businesses, and travelers alike are rediscovering the ‘Land of the Stars,’ and new visitors are falling in love with this intriguing corner of the world.
But, few people know much about the country. If you are planning a trip, here are ten facts about Kazakhstan to help you get a taste of this extraordinary place and figure out where to visit.
1. Traditional Nomadic Culture: A Surviving Heritage
Kazakhstan is a nation rich in culture and history; its traditional nomadic culture is a living heritage. From cultural landmarks to ancient ruins, the nation’s history has unveiled some surprising yet marvelous facts about the nation.
Long before the region was Kazakhstan, it was the heart of nomadic culture, with some of the oldest horse-breeding practices going as far back as the 3rd millennium B.C.E. Wildlife such as horses, sheep, goats, and camels continued to play a vital role in the tradition.
2. The Kazakh Language: Bridging East and West
Kazakhstan is a unique nation that bridges East and West in many ways. The official language is Kazakh, a Turkic language related to Uzbek and Kyrgyz and boasting deep roots that extend back to the ancient Silk Road.
Kazakh blends Eastern and Western influences, making it a distinct language bridge between the two. It has a rich vocabulary, including words from many different languages. Eight million speak it across Central Asia, Mongolia, China, and Russia.
3. Religion: A Melting Pot of Beliefs
Kazakhstan is a diverse nation, full of surprises and unique facts. One of the most interesting facts is that despite Kazakhstan having a majority of Muslims, the population of Kazakhstan is also home to many religious views and practices. There are many religions celebrated in Kazakhstan, from Christianity to Buddhism and Shamanism.
Additionally, folk religions, such as Tengrism, coexist in the nation’s ever-growing religious melting pot. The Kazakhstan people are tolerant and open-minded. It ensures that no matter an individual’s faith, they will still have acceptance and respect from their neighbors.
4. Stunning Kazakhstan Geography: An Ecological Haven
Kazakhstan is in Central Asia, bordering the Caspian and Aral Seas and part of the Ural River. Its terrain is diverse, extending from the snow-capped Altai Mountains to the flatlands of the eastern steppes.
It is an ecological haven, with over 200 endangered species like the snow leopard, lesser kestrel, and the saiga antelope. It is also home to some of the world’s oldest cities, like Taraz and Almaty. It shows both the longevity and the potential of Kazakhstan.
5. A Growing Economy and Explore-Worthy Attractions
Kazakhstan is a Central Asian country with a vibrant and growing economy. As the largest landlocked country in the world, it has many surprising facts that define the nation.
To begin with, Kazakhstan has the world’s ninth-largest oil reserves and a thriving business sector. Furthermore, it has over half of the world’s uranium reserves and is a vital region for many commodities. It is also home to one of the world’s biggest natural gas deposits and has the world’s largest walnut forests.
6. Traditions, Cuisine, and Culture
Kazakhstan is rich in traditions, cuisine, and culture – there are many things, both ancient and modern, that define this nation. Kazakhstan has an ancient cuisine that dates back centuries and has over 395 national dishes.
Also, the culture and literature of Kazakhstan are diverse, with stories, songs, and art that go back centuries. Additionally, Kazakhstan is home to one of the best-preserved ancient cities in the world – the city of Turkestan being a prime example.
7. Kazakhstan’s Historic Monuments
Kazakhstan has a rich array of historical sites preserved for centuries. These monuments have been pivotal in defining the culture and heritage of the country and continue to be vital for the cultural identity of the nation. Kazakhstan preserved its many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi and the Saryarka Steppe archaeological site.
8. The Kazakhstan Natural Resources
Kazakhstan is rich in many natural resources and minerals and is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Natural resources include iron ore, chrome ore, copper ore, nickel ore, lead ore, ore, rare earth elements, potash, and coal.
Kazakhstan has many other natural resources, such as lignite, molybdenum, peat, timber, and phosphorite. Kazakhstan has about 10% of the world’s oil reserves and 2.3% of the world’s natural gas reserves. It also has huge oil refineries like Kaz Trans Global that manufactures petrochemical products.
9. Kazakhstan’s Place in the World of Sports
Kazakhstan has been making great strides in sports ever since it achieved its independence from the former Soviet Union. The nation boasts over 70 Olympic medals, and its athletes have achieved success in many sports.
It includes weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, judo, shooting, track and field, and winter sports. Kazakhstan developed into a global contender in the early 2000s and received the international spotlight for its athletic excellence.
10. Touristic Treasure Trove: Kazakhstan’s Top Attractions
Kazakhstan is a land full of fascinating attractions, from stunning mountains to grand palace ruins. Zhabargyltau Mountain is a must-see. The dramatic cliffs and unique rock formations make it an excellent place for mountaineers and hikers alike.
While in the area, no trip is complete without a visit to the striking ruins of the Palace of the Great Khans in Shymkent. This majestic site is one of the oldest and largest archaeological sites in Kazakhstan.
For those looking for historical attractions, the capital Astana also boasts some top-notch sights. It includes the Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation, and the National Museum of Kazakhstan.
Follow This Guide to Discover Facts About Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a vibrant nation of many truths and cultures. From its snow-capped mountains to its colorful horses, it offers a fascinating landscape of cultural remains and stories.
If you’re interested in knowing more about the country and culture, immerse yourself in these ten surprising facts about Kazakhstan and discover more about the nation’s diverse history and culture. What are you waiting for? Experience the beauty of Kazakhstan firsthand!
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