When you own a restaurant, you need to make sure that your perishables are properly stored.
As your restaurant grows, you’re going to need to keep more stock in-house so that you can accommodate your guests. One of the best ways to ensure that you can order and store everything that you need is to get a commercial chest freezer.
A good commercial chest freezer will be your go-to option for keeping your meats and some vegetables fresher for longer. In this post, we’re going to discuss some of the benefits of commercial freezers and freezer storage. Keep reading and you’ll see the impact freezer storage can make on your bottom line.
Boosting Sales
The simple fact of the matter is that a regular residential kitchen freezer isn’t going to cut it when it comes to housing your food. If you can’t store your perishables in your freezer, you’re going to have to order less, which may not accommodate the demand.
When you can’t serve certain dishes because you can’t order enough stock, you’ll inevitably see sales drop. Get a deep enough chest freezer and you’ll be able to order all of your stock for a week at one time. You’ll never have to worry about running out of a certain product.
Energy Efficiency
Commercial chest freezers come with their own built-in sidewall insulation that keeps the cold air in for longer. This greatly increases energy efficiency and lowers your monthly bills by a significant amount.
It’s also worth noting that if you experience a power outage in your restaurant, a chest freezer can keep things cold for up to 3 days. That’s less food going into the trash, which can prevent huge losses during these types of emergencies.
More Storage Space
A deep freezer can help you with storage in more than one way. Obviously, it gives you more opportunity to store perishables, but it also cuts down on the amount of space that your goods take up in your kitchen.
Chest freezers keep a low profile. Depending on what model you get, you can squeeze them into areas of your restaurant where it won’t get in the way of the hustle and bustle of a busy kitchen.
Health & Safety
If your restaurant is going to stay open for the long haul, you need to adhere to industry-wide health and safety regulations. Your chest freezer is going to help you store your perishables at the right temperature, as well as keep raw foods and prepared foods separate.
Your Commercial Chest Freezer Makes Things Easier
At the end of the day, these are all great benefits of having a commercial chest freezer, but the main thing is that it’ll make your kitchen more functional and easier to use. As a restauranteur, you know how valuable your and your kitchen staff’s time is, so get a chest freezer and don’t look back.
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