Over 82% of American adults have visited a doctor or other healthcare professional in the past year. Scheduling an annual exam can ensure you’re in the best possible health. Regardless of your age, an annual physical exam is important to your health and wellness.
Are you avoiding your check-ups? Here are a few reasons you need to schedule a routine physical. Read on to learn more!
Assess Your Health
A routine physical will give you a full understanding of your current (and potentially, future) health. Your doctor will determine what blood tests or screenings you need depending on your:
- Age
- Lifestyle
- Risk factors
- Family history
For example, they might schedule a blood pressure screening to measure the force of your blood against your arteries. Readings below 120/80 are considered normal.
Your doctor might measure the amount of cholesterol or sugar in your blood (cholesterol and blood glucose screenings, respectively). Otherwise, they might recommend body mass index calculations or osteoporosis screenings.
These tests will help your doctor determine if you have an underlying health condition. Even if you’re not experiencing symptoms, it’s important to take action right away. Making changes can help improve your health and lifestyle.
Maintain a Health Life
A physical exam can help you maintain the healthiest lifestyle possible. Your doctor can make recommendations to improve your routine. For example, they might recommend changes to your diet or an increase in physical activity.
You can schedule an appointment at the Professional Health Care Of Pinellas offices for the best possible care.
Get Vaccinated
Adults need vaccines to prevent dangerous diseases, too. During your annual appointment, your doctor will review your vaccination history. They’ll determine your risk factors and recommend immunizations, too.
For example, they might recommend:
- Tdap vaccine
- COVID-19 disease
- HPV vaccine
- Fly vaccine
- Shingles vaccine
- Hepatitis B vaccine
- Pneumonia vaccine
If you plan on traveling, talk to your doctor to determine what other vaccines you might need.
Screen for Cancer
A routine physical will give your doctor the chance to screen you for cancer. Detecting cancer at its earliest stages is ideal, while it’s most treatable.
Your doctor will recommend specific screenings based on your age or risk factors. For example:
- Lung cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Colon cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Skin cancer
- Breast cancer
Let your doctor know if your family has a history of cancer.
Update Records
Regular appointments give your doctor the chance to update your medical records. Let your doctor know about any changes to your health and routine. For example:
- Medication changes (including vitamins and OTC)
- Social habits (alcohol intake, smoking, sexual activity, etc.)
- Mental health (depression, anxiety, etc.)
- Allergies
Your doctor can make recommendations based on your lifestyle or medical changes.
Schedule Your Annual Exam Today
Don’t hesitate to schedule your next annual exam. Routine physical check-ups will help you maintain the best possible health. With routine visits, you can live a long, healthy life.
Visit your medical care professional today.
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Wayne Probert is a senior reporter at Zobuz, covering state and national politics, and he is a grantee with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. Before joining Zobuz, he worked as a freelance journalist in Kentucky, having been published by dozens of outlets including NPR, the Center for Media.