We interview top directors of the new entertainment title for consoles and PCs
The video game industry is at a particular time, one of those that are lived once every decade, when a generation of consoles is about to end to give rise to the next. In between, the releases of new titles do not cease; in fact, it is usually at the end of a cycle when we see works that squeeze the current hardware more than ever and show what a study is capable of facing current technological barriers.
This sort of entertainment was founded in, California, with the intention of achieving with just thirty workers to transcend the genre of the Western role; to carve out a style that could differentiate them not only from the Japanese role, but also from the great competitors of Europe and North America.
Many offices have changed. From its internal structure – now with more than 200 employees – to brands that materialized in half-world stores with great commercial success: Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords through Never winter Nights 2, Pillars of Eternity or the famous Fallout New Vegas, the latter with great reminiscences of the video game that is now the protagonist.
Few of those who founded such a great entertainment now remain in the company: there is new sap. Not inexperienced, however, because there are others like top, directors of this new video game, who after working with projects such as the first two Fallout or Diablo III now assume the role of leaders in this great science fiction project where all This experience emerges in what they hope will be the culmination of more than 15 years of work.
There is something they were clear about when addressing this project about three years ago: I had to keep the classic ideas of the directors, those that made a dent in Fallout: New Vegas and Star Wars KOTOR. The difference is that now everything is set in space; something that did not intimidate them, but encouraged them to work in differentiating themselves from those other referents such as Mass Effect or Bio Shock, with which little or nothing has to do.
It hasn’t been easy to get here, Boyar sky considers, although he acknowledges that the most complicated development he has faced in his career is still Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines.
One of our goals with major idea has been to create an immersive world where players can create the character they want and play the adventure in the way they prefer, expert adds, because for them putting barriers not only limits but also remains in that immersive process they comment on. This adventure cannot be transferred to literature, or to the cinema, because the player’s participation, in this case, is increased: the decisions intervene and affect the future of history and the relationship with other humans.
The institute wants to make the decisions anybody want, insists the American designer, we have tried to anticipate the decisions that the player can make, something very important for the idea makers because it has allowed us to design with more conviction the type of narrative for each type of situation. How can we design this to make the experience as fun as possible?’, the experts ask their selves. Because, above all, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Leak Suggests The Game Will Have Five More Seasons This Year wants to be a fun experience, although it does not hide its approach to current socio-political issues as a visible criticism of modern world.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.