Major Tips
The 7 tips in this article are given to us by a language professional, Pierre, himself multilingual and passionate about learning a new language. He shares with us what is essential for him when starting out in a language: being active, speaking orally. Follow his advice!
Learning a foreign language is an exciting project, but one that requires a lot of investment. On my blog Le Monde des Langues , I make articles and videos to help you get there. Here are seven tips to make it easier for you to learn any language.
Have an active approach
Use the language from the start of your learning. After all, that’s why you got started on this project, isn’t it? Speak and write with pride, even if you only know five sentences! In this way, you will gain confidence in yourself very early. Taking language lessons isn’t everything, it’s a state of mind!
Do not neglect the oral
The French accent is sexy … up to a point. First, use the phonetics to tame the sounds that do not exist in our language and listen to everything that happens to you within earshot: films, series, songs, conversations … In parallel, train yourself to repeat often to acquire good intonation.
Don’t be alone
Meet native speakers of your target language as soon as possible to chat with them, near you or on the Internet. If they learn French, they will be all the more motivated to help you.
Admit that talking with human beings is more motivating than being alone with a book! Learning a language is also sharing!
Stop thinking in French
Each language has its own way, so stop comparing everything to French. If you approach your new language with a fresh eye, you will understand it much faster, especially its grammar.
Immerse yourself in the language
If possible, go practice your new language in the country where it is spoken. Otherwise, you can create an immersion bubble without even leaving your home!