When technology advances, there is always another advancement not too far behind. Cloud computing has been on the lips of businesses and media correspondents for years.
Now, edge computing comes along as another refinement in a long line of powerful computing technology. What is edge computing? What kind of benefits does it provide companies around the globe?
Today we’re going to dive deep with 5 major benefits that edge computing can deliver as the next line of cloud computing technology.
Breaking Down the Benefits of Edge Computing
Edge computing comes from our individual devices, such as computers and smartphones, growing smarter and more powerful over the years. Edge computing is a reversal of cloud computing. With the cloud, the processing of data happens in a centralized server, but edge computing pushes that to each individual device.
There are many advantages between the two, but edge computing has 5 major strengths to give it a massive advantage in this new edge of personal technology.
1. Speed
With edge computing, the data processing and calculation happens all on the individual devices. This core aspect brings the first major benefit of speed.
With edge computing, there is no need to transfer large swathes of data from the central cloud computing server to the device it needs to end up on.
2. Security
Securing an entire server can be hard and while cloud computing has a number of ways to keep their servers safe, it cannot beat the security of protecting only a small handful of devices.
This security improves as you can lock your devices from the internet, keeping them from prying eyes. If a particular device has its data in local storage, it can disconnect from the internet with no issues, reconnecting only to retransmit more data.
3. Scalability
There are many companies that offer cloud computing servers and services for a solid fee. With edge computing, you can minimize your mass server needs, processing your own data on your own devices.
This allows you to scale your infrastructure to your own needs and not the sizes of cloud servers that are available. You can work with the handful of machines you are using and nothing more, letting your operations scale on a smoother transition.
4. Versatility
When your edge computing finishes on your end, you have a great deal more control over when and how you use your data. This lets you target particular markets or laser focus your efforts on only a particular set of processers.
The versatility also extends to data usage. With cloud computing, you often access the entire server at once, waiting for logins and authorizations. With edge computing, you access the right device for the right set of files and nothing more.
5. Reliability
The biggest concern about cloud computing was putting all of your information in a single location. No matter how secure it was, if something happened to that cloud server or your connection, you either had a backup or you lost data.
With edge computing, you can split up and organize your data as you need it. No server loss to take out your devices.
Getting the Best With Edge Computing
All of these ideas are powerful cornerstones that help shape the efficiency of business as we know it. Edge computing takes the powers of cloud computing and pushes it to a new level, providing an even stronger platform for powerful business.
Keeping informed on the new advances in business and technology is the only way to get the best out of any new idea. Keep up with what business has going for it with some of our business articles.