Madero therapy, or wood therapy when referring to its Spanish name, is a type of massage in which you utilize implements made of wood that you hold in your hands. Some proponents of wood treatment believe that it can aid in weight loss, cellulite reduction, improved circulation, skin smoothing, and stress relief.
Scientific evidence for wood treatment is lacking. Spas and medical clinics, rather than government agencies, are the primary sources of information on it. What is wood treatment supposed to do, and does it work? Will be covered in this article. We will also investigate additional strategies for combating cellulite.
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Why is Wood Therapy Used?
The proponents of wood treatment state that it has many advantages, including:
- Dissolving fatty deposits and cellulite (subcutaneous fat).
- Altering one’s form
- Facilitating Internal Cleansing
- Facilitating the breakdown of fat and the lymphatic system’s response to it.
- Enhancing the texture and firmness of the skin
- Reducing anxiety and facilitating calm
- Relaxing sore muscles
- Thigh and buttocks firming
- Increasing blood flow
There is currently no data to support these assertions.
Get Rid of Cellulite
Practitioners of wood treatment claim to be able to break down stubborn fat and cellulite, which is subsequently sent to the lymphatic system to be flushed out along with other waste.
Despite the lack of evidence linking wood treatment directly to this effect, specialized massage techniques that target cellulite have a long history of employing instruments comparable to those used in wood therapy. These methods “knead” the skin by applying pressure with a roller or a hoover.
Cosmetic Surgery Board of the United States. The elimination of cellulite.
This technique’s smoothing effect, if any, is transient and most likely the result of localized inflammation.
Boost the Lymphatic System’s Flow
The lymphatic system helps the body fight off infections. The lymphatic system is the system of veins, nodes, and organs responsible for pumping lymph fluid across the body. White blood cells, which are found in lymph fluid, fight against infections. It aids in the elimination of toxins and extra fluid from the body. The goal of manual lymphatic drainage is to aid the body’s lymphatic system in draining and recirculating lymph fluid.
In contrast to manual lymphatic drainage massage, wood treatment has its own unique benefits. One claim for wood treatment is that it stimulates the lymph system, albeit this has not been verified by scientific investigations.
Reduce Anxiety
Professional massage has been demonstrated to reduce stress levels in a number of studies. Practitioners of wood treatment make similar claims, namely that it reduces anxiety.
Does Wood Therapy Actually Work?
Due to a lack of scientific investigation, the efficacy of wood treatment cannot be established. Most of the evidence for the benefits claimed is anecdotal. Similar to other massage modalities supported by research, wood therapy may have beneficial benefits. However, further research is required to confirm this. The phrase “massage therapy” is used to cover a wide range of practices that differ in their focus on touch, pressure, and intensity of treatment.
Preparing for Your First Wood Therapy Appointment
Specialized wooden instruments are used in a repeated fashion on certain body parts like the face, torso, arms, and legs during a wood treatment session. We apply concentrated, sustained, and direct force to these “problem areas.” Tools are cleaned after each use to ensure safety.
You and your practitioner will need to experiment with different levels of pressure over the first few sessions to find what feels well for you. Over time, you could feel more at ease during sessions. Maria’s pursuit. Ten frequently asked questions about shaping your body using wood treatment.
Some patients may experience bruises during wood therapy. Before beginning treatment with wood, talk to your doctor.
In other attempts to lessen cellulite
Cellulite is quite widespread. Cellulite affects between 85 and 90 percent of adult women. Skin “puckering” or dimples are the hallmark of cellulite. Septae (fibrous bands connecting the skin to the underlying muscular fascia) tighten irregularly, causing the skin to sag and the subcutaneous fat layer to push upwards. The outer thighs, the rear of the thighs, and the butt are the most prevalent areas affected by cellulite.
There are several methods for combating cellulite, each with its own degree of success. Even while no therapy has been shown to be permanently effective and cellulite cannot be eliminated, there are ways to reduce its visibility.
Massage instruments made of various types of wood are used in wood treatment. Blood and lymph circulation are boosted, and cellulite is reduced, according to proponents of wood therapy. These claims about wood treatment are not supported by any scientific evidence. Several alternative treatments have shown some success in decreasing cellulite’s visibility, but currently there is no cure.
Keep in mind that unlike massage treatment performed by licensed therapists, the safety and efficacy of wood therapy has not been well researched. Although some practitioners and/or recipients of wood treatment attest to its benefits, this approach has yet to be scientifically validated. Do your homework on the therapist and ask plenty of questions before deciding to undertake wood treatment, and always check with your doctor first.

Rene Bennett is a graduate of New Jersey, where he played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s Editor, he enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.