Your DIY Guide To Hair Grooming For Men
You want to give your beard the care it needs but you’re not quite sure how to go about it. You’ve seen commercial after commercial advertising this and that product. Still, you find yourself wondering how to get your facial from average to glorious. But now you don’t have to think more, because beard care products from Australia are here to your rescue. Just add them to your daily beard care routine and you will see some extraordinary results.
Hemp products have taken the stage, trumping all other artificially manufactured competitors and here’s why. With the best CBD grooming items from, plus a few DIY tips their experts have shared, take a look at how you can grow and maintain your beard the best way possible.
Tips In Facial Hair Grooming
1. The 4 to 6-Week Rule
If you’ve decided to grow a full beard, the first step is patience. Be patient as you wait it out. Though beard growth varies from person to person, it gets to that “full” appearance in about two to four months.
What you can do to aid your skin in getting you that magnificent beard is to leave it untouched, especially during the first 4 to 6 weeks from the day you start growing it out. That means you’ll have to restrain yourself from trimming stays, or even light shaving. Remember, just 4 to 6 weeks and afterward, you can begin shaping it. Which leads us to number 2.
2. Beard Shape = Face Shape
One trick to get your beard’s shape right is by contouring it to the shape of your face. At least, if you’re going for that devil-may-care, scruffy look, instead of the longbeard-wizard type. You’ll find that it’s safest to trim sections little by little instead of cutting a silhouette all at once. The first will give you the leeway to fix trimming errors in case they occur.
3. Quality Trimmers
Your skill in trimming can only be as good as the type of trimmer you wield. Even if, say, this is your first time trimming your own beard as opposed to going to a grooming specialist, the same rule applies. You can try out beard kits instead of buying tools separately. You’ll be saving more in doing so.
4. Hemp Grooming Products
This one is going to assist in ensuring that beard maintenance is topnotch and that your facial hair will be nourished, along with the skin underneath it. Health follicles equals healthy beard growth.
Sparse facial hair isn’t only a result of genetics but of careless upkeep. More often than not, men tend to wash their face, use regular body soap on their beards, and rinse. That’s it. This regimen is lacking in the necessary essentials that will promote follicle and scalp softness, thickness, and full-growth.
And that’s where hemp products can make their entrance to fill in the gaps, so to speak. CBD-infused grooming creams, oils, and waxes have moisturizing agents to spur beard health on and lessen facial irritations.
5. Training Your Facial Hair
This can be done with a simple act of using a beard brush and brushing through your facial hair in a number of strokes at least once every day. This beard “training” will eventually bring about a less frizzy growth that points in all directions, to one that grows in the same route and downward-angle.