- Why am I changing my Chrome Browser to Brave Browser?
Currently, advertising is the driving force behind the Internet and a source of funding for almost everything you read watches and listens to on the Internet. The digital advertising industry is in many ways a miracle machine: it turns hidden attention into real money and has made many useful inventions for video hosting and searching for global maps in instant translations. However, the online advertising machine is also a huge, opaque and more complex that underestimates the ability to abuse: a data that constantly collects and describes our behavior, creating incentives to earn from our most private desires. Often it leads to research Vulnerabilities of dark people who are willing to use them. In most cases, it’s easy to see why Chrome dominates. It does not block resources; has an attractive and minimalist interface; it can be incredibly customizable thanks to its online store with thousands of extensions and themes.
The downside of Chrome is that it is owned by Google. This is enough to offend those who care about continuing to surf the web. After all, Google’s goal is to learn as much as possible about how to target the most relevant ads. Thanks to Chrome, Google can extract further information on browser activity. The company is also trying to remove some of the Chrome elements known as legal user privacy attacks. Read Naman Bansal’s blog author’s assessment on Brave browser and what alternatives there are to it. Choose a secure browser for entertainment and business.
Looking for alternatives
The Internet is now flooded with Web browsers [in general, it is not covered]. Therefore, it is difficult to find an ideal browser that meets all our requirements in this jungle. The most frequently chosen Chrome replacements are Mozilla Firefox and Opera. And in most cases, alternatives to popular giants will end here.
I have been using the Chrome browser for many years mainly due to the large number of Internet and Firefox tools, which I used to surf the Internet every day. However, almost two years ago, I became interested in the Basic Attention Token (BAT) Cryptocurrency project, which allowed me to get to know another Google Chrome browser, Brave Browser. It was eventually downloaded, tested and left in Brave so far.
Brave is the son of the co-founder of Mondilla Brendan Eich, an organization that created Firefox. In 1995, he invented JavaScript, a browser code that made websites an interactive website rather than text pages and static images. JavaScript was later used by numerous advertising technology companies 9
(including Google and Facebook) to help manage the display of targeted ads in the browser.
In the lower part of the window, you can see that the browser frantically analyzes all the JavaScript instructions waiting for the page to load. This process recharges system resources, drains the battery and warms up the device. It is also a malware carrier and a de facto tool for scammers.
Brave’s private browsing model is completely different and offers more privacy. When you activate a private window in Brave, this window uses Tor, a software project that helps protect your IP address and activates online activity by sending your request to an intermediate server to its final destination. This makes it almost impossible for the page you are accessing to know that the request is coming from your computer. In general, if you want to use Tor, you need to download a separate browser. By adding Tor to the integrated Brave privacy model, it provides privacy protection for users and many people mistakenly believe in using the privacy / inkognito mode in other browsers.
100% compatible with Chrome Store
I think this information is one of the keys for the average user, that is – Brave is 100% compatible with the Chrome Store. This is because Brave works on the Chromium engine. All extensions written for Chrome work natively in Brave, eliminating the need for programmers to work and making users happy.
Fast, efficient and free advertising
What makes Brave different is a positive advertising approach. The browser is designed to remove online ads from the site. Brave also removes all tracking ads, typically small elements of web pages that advertisers and website publishers implement to identify users so that they know which other sites they visit. The ad network uses a tracker to display products similar to products purchased or simply considered which causes memory to often see the same ad regardless of where it moves.
On the Brave computer, it loads twice as fast as Chrome and Firefox. They are the first and third browser in the world for analytics app providers. On smartphones, brave loads pages eight times faster than Chrome (Android) or Safari (iOS). The increase in speed is not surprising. By eliminating ads and tracking ads, Brave downloads much less content from the web than any browser that doesn’t block ad extensions. Brave has no technology; it only downloads less data than other browsers. Otherwise, Chrome and other Chromium-based browsers will be just as fast.
Briefly introduce the business model
The business model used by Brave Browser is based not only on blocking ads, but also on replacing deleted ads with ads on its network. It works by using Brave to remove ads from the browser and then replace them with ads from your thoughts (respect our privacy). It should be noted that the ad will only appear if you agree to receive the BAT Cryptocurrency.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.