Up and coming rapper Strategy KI is carving his name into the industry
If you are reading this article, it is probably because you have talent, motivation and ambitions for your musical project. Here we will see how to succeed in music, a subject that often comes up in the mouths of independent artists like Strategy KI, Rapper.
Too few musicians ask themselves this question.
They set themselves goals and dreams that are not their own, thinking that there is only one way to succeed in the music industry. In this case, for many to succeed in music means signing a contract with a major, going on national radio and TV, touring in France and around the world, becoming rich through his works, being known to the general public, making million views each time on YouTube, etc. However, there are many other ways to succeed with music producer and to make a living. Because after all, this last element is essential: for musicians who are not looking for mainstream success, success comes down more to being able to get up every morning and do something you like , without constraint and without fear of tomorrow . The real problem: gaining visibility
Following this reasoning, if you are still reading this article it is most likely:
Either because you do not have a contract with a major, a project established at the national level, etc. or because you do not earn enough today thanks to your freelance project to devote yourself to it 100% serenely. In these two cases, the real problem lies in your visibility. Indeed, no label will wish to engage with an artist or a group with low financial potential. Similarly, it is difficult to earn a living with your music when the audience for a project comes down to a few tens or even hundreds of people get to know music as unsigned rapper.
- How to break into music?
Performing concerts and festivals: the best way to build your fan base locally. Have an online marketing strategy : federate new fans via your social networks , your website and YouTube
Recover the email addresses of your fans: in the age of the Internet, nothing surpasses email in terms of return on investment and communication power. Spend time on your newsletter and your marketing efforts will be increased every time. Build a network: go out and meet other artists and professionals in order to create lasting relationships and exchange opportunities Form a team: it is almost impossible to succeed on your own. It can only be temporary or even a simple exchange of services, but please do not do everything yourself. Diversify your sources of income: there are many more ways to make money from music than you think. Don’t just sell CDs and do concerts.
Your success depends mainly on the strategy you adopt and the efforts you commit. If you still think it depends on luck, then it is necessary to train yourself and change your mindset. Of course, there are many more things you can do to succeed in music than the actions listed above. This is why I invite you to subscribe via the form below to receive for free the eBook “The 15 Mistakes not to commit to succeed in music” and regularly discover the best advice in music marketing!

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.