Anxiety and pessimism may damage the immune system and the endocrine system, leading to a decrease in the immunity of the body, and even a condition prone to colds or other illnesses.
Your immune system role is what determines your wellbeing. The wind is weak, as soon as the temperature changes. Flu is the first to bear the brunt. At night it can’t sleep well and in the morning it can’t wake up… Those are all immunity conditions. Especially in winter when flu is a common occurrence, improving your own immunity is urgently needed!
Studies also found the immunity of the body to be very closely linked with feelings, and positive people are more likely to have strong immunity than unhappy people.
This is because positive feelings will secrete some safe chemicals from the brain, trigger the immune mechanism of the body and prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.
Anxiety and pessimism may affect the immune system and the endocrine system, leading to a decrease in the immunity of the body, or even a disease that is prone to colds or other disorders.
And note to maintain a positive attitude every day to improve immunity.
Sports medicine research proves that persistent physical exercise can significantly enhance human immune function.
When people exercise, the muscles and bones in the whole body are exercised, the functions in specific organs in the body are increased, the metabolism is high, the movement of the blood is improved, the hematopoietic function of the bones is increased, and the resilience of the immune system is enhanced, such that more immune cells and the element of immunity improve their development.
Physical activity may often relieve interpersonal stress, lower internal burden; reduce mental exhaustion, and calm emotions at the same time. In this way, it will enhance the cellular and humeral defenses of the body successfully, and reduce the incidence of different diseases.
Exercise, though, must be logical, and acceptable. Unhealthy activity can place the body in an unhealthy state of exhaustion and have a detrimental impact on the strength of the muscle. Experts suggest exercise for more than 30 minutes every time, 3 to 5 days a week. There should be no too much exhaustion in the pressure.
Sleep can avoid over processing of the brain nerve cells to cause cognitive loss, and can help recover mental and physical power and store energy.
Scientific work has shown that sleep will also boost the immune system of the body, strengthen the resilience to disease and help cure and recover the disease. Don’t adhere to the 8-hour sleep law each day, however.
“Good night” is not a function of time but of consistency.
When you wake up in the morning, feeling healthy and content, it means you’re sleeping. If you want to enhance sleep efficiency, you need to build a healthy sleeping atmosphere, such as reducing noise disturbance, ensuring an adequate bed temperature and avoiding bright light.
Alternatively, washing the feet with hot water or consuming a small amount of warm milk before going to sleep can both induce sleep.
Studies also shown that a nutritionally healthy diet has a very beneficial impact on increasing immune function in humans.
People will pay heed to the maximum daily consumption of meat, poultry, soybeans and their derivatives, these are protein-rich foods.
Rich in vitamins C, A, B1 , B2, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus , and magnesium, fresh vegetables and fruits like tomatoes , onions, leeks, garlic, pakchoi, red dates, and strawberries. The immune system function and the improved tolerance to illness are of great value.
Massage allows immunity healthier.
Massage avoids clogging of the lymph channels, which makes the immune response healthy. Massage will reduce blood cortisol by up to 53%.
What precisely is cortisol? It’s the primary killer that decreases immunity. According to immunologists, massage will alleviate exhaustion and anxiety, calm the body and rising stress hormones.
One research showed that the amount of immune cells increased after obtaining 45 minutes of massage per day, and that immune function improved dramatically after one month.
If it’s a skilled massage or a basic back massage between you and him, it has the amazing benefit of enhancing immunity, thus helping improve the attitude as well.
System 6: Stop smoking, avoid food and drink water/tea:
Tobacco includes more than 30 chemicals that are toxic to the human body, is scientifically verified. Human blood vessels are susceptible to spasm while smoking, blood flow to local organs is limited, and food and oxygen flow is decreased. And it dropped. Prevention of infectious diseases would also avoid smoking, in order to enhance self-immunity.
More alcohol is beneficial for your safety. Obesity, drunkenness, and obesity will impair the immune system of the body and thus drinking must be tightly limited. It should be restricted to 1 cup a day, even though consuming wine will reduce cholesterol. Excessive alcohol can do significant harm to blood and neck, as well as other organs.
Water is an essential tool to the events of human activity. Failure to have water can induce tiredness and rising immunity. Water needs to be refilled at this moment. Drinking lots of water can keep the mucous membranes moist in the mouth and the nasal cavity and can perform the role of attracting bacteria effectively. Drinking more water will make you healthier too.
Some people mistakenly claim antibiotics will heal any illness.
In reality, antibiotic misuse is not only ineffective, but also damaging to your own immune system. In compliance with the laws, long-term and prolonged usage of antibiotics can contribute to dysbiosis and secondary infection of the human body, decrease tolerance of the bloodstream, trigger harm to vision, liver, kidney, etc., and also create allergies and adverse reactions.
Both drugs are external factors, so internal triggers (self-healing functions) tend to sort out external causes. Therefore, the last term is to strengthen your own immune system.
There is other nine ways to improve immune system naturally, it is easy to follow.
- Follow the normal schedule.
- Eat more garlic.
- Drink with lemon slices, honey, ginger and turmeric in warm water.
- Stew a pot of chicken broth.
- Keep practicing weekly.
- Drink hot tea.
- Eat yogurt for breakfast.
- Constant sun exposure.
- Smile more.
And in the last you must agree that smiling is perhaps the most fascinating form of improving immunity. Beautiful quotes about good healthy life.
Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – World Health Organization, 1948
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patients in care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” – Thomas Edison

Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.