With the increase of vehicles on the road and the prevalence of distracted driving, it is more important than ever for local governments to take action to ensure safety on their streets. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 42,000 people in the United States were injured and killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2021. This is why local governments must focus on implementing road safety measures to help protect their citizens.
The answer lies in a combination of regulations and education. Here’s how local governments can improve safety on their roads.
1. Regulations
From speed limits to DUI laws, there are several regulations that local governments can enact to help keep people safe while driving. They should set speed limits based on the type of road-for example, highways should generally have higher speed limits than city roads-and enforce accordingly. Law enforcement should also be given the resources to ensure these limits are followed.
Additionally, DUI laws should be strict and enforced with zero tolerance to minimize the risk of drunk or impaired drivers on the road. Because of the dangers associated with DUI, local governments should consider increasing fines or jail time for those convicted of DUIs to deter people from engaging in this behavior. Even if local governments cannot regulate national or state laws, they should still focus on enforcing existing laws.
Finally, laws such as requiring seatbelts and helmets should also be enforced to reduce fatalities in car accidents. Most road accidents can be prevented with proper safety measures, so local governments should prioritize educating their citizens on the importance of wearing seatbelts and helmets while driving.
2. Infrastructure Improvements
Local governments can also make improvements to existing infrastructure in order to improve safety on the roads. For example, adding more traffic lights or widened lanes at busy intersections can help alleviate congestion and reduce accidents due to cars trying to merge or change lanes too quickly. Many cities have also implemented roundabouts to reduce traffic and increase safety.
Local governments should also repair any potholes or cracks in the road to reduce the risk of accidents due to poor road conditions. Constructing durable roads in the first place can also help reduce the chances of accidents. They should consider using cationic asphalt emulsion, a type of stable asphalt used to create roads with superior strength and durability, to ensure that roads maintain their quality for more extended periods.
Additionally, constructing bike lanes along busy streets will give cyclists a safe place away from cars and pedestrians alike. Bike lanes can help reduce road congestion and increase cyclists’ safety. Finally, installing signs warning drivers about potential hazards can also help keep people safer while out on the road. This will let people know when to slow down or be extra cautious.

3. Educational Programs
Local governments can also implement educational programs to teach drivers about safe driving practices. These programs could focus on defensive driving techniques, understanding when it is appropriate to yield right-of-way or use turn signals, and avoiding distractions while behind the wheel (such as texting). Additionally, these programs could educate drivers about how drugs and alcohol affect their ability to drive safely, as well as provide tips for sharing the road with cyclists and pedestrians.
Many local governments have already implemented driver education programs to teach drivers how to stay safe on the road and be responsible behind the wheel. These programs are essential for keeping the roads safe and reducing traffic fatalities. Many of these free or low-cost programs can be offered online or in person. Look into what your local government offers and take advantage of these educational opportunities.
4. Increased Funding
Finally, local governments should also invest in increased funding for road safety. Because road safety is such an important issue, local governments should make sure they are providing adequate funding to ensure that roads and infrastructure projects that improve road safety are completed. This funding could also provide educational programs, hire more traffic officers to enforce laws, and purchase safety equipment such as speed guns.
Although funding can be difficult to come by, local governments should make sure they are allocating enough money to ensure the roads remain safe and people can get where they need to go. Different cities may have different needs when it comes to road safety, so it is essential for each local government to assess its own needs and allocate funds accordingly.
There are many steps that local governments can take to improve safety on their roads. From enacting laws and regulations that promote responsible driving behaviors to implementing educational programs that teach drivers how to drive safely and share the road with others, these measures can help keep people safe and reduce traffic fatalities. By taking these steps, local governments can help make roads safer for everyone.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.