A naturalization attorney helps people become United States citizens. This process involves a test, interview, and citizenship application.
The average time for a citizen to complete the naturalization process has doubled in the last 24 months. Despite this, some individuals still struggle to find a path to citizenship.
Naturalization is the process by which people become citizens of the United States. It involves a number of qualifications and extensive documentation.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, have been a legal permanent resident (LPR) for five years or more, and demonstrate good moral character. They must also pass a test on U.S. history and government, and swear loyalty to the country by taking an oath.
The naturalization process is overseen by USCIS, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security. Typically, it takes about 8 to 12 months for an applicant to be approved and receive their citizenship certificate.
A naturalization attorney is an experienced lawyer who specializes in helping people become citizens of the United States. They can provide you with assistance throughout the entire process, from filing your application to securing your citizenship and passport.
Your naturalization attorney will make sure you submit the correct paperwork and respond to any requests for evidence. They can also attend your interview and help you prepare for it.
The interview is usually held in a USCIS office with an immigration officer or judge. Having an experienced naturalization attorney accompany you at the interview increases your chances of having your application approved.
If you have been denied a citizenship application, it is important to know how you can appeal the denial. An experienced immigration attorney can help you present your case in a way that will convince the judge that the decision was wrong.
If you want to apply for naturalization, you should get in touch with a Doraville citizenship & naturalization lawyer as soon as possible. The sooner you begin the process, the faster you can take on your responsibilities as a citizen of the United States.
Filing the Application
If you’ve been a resident of the United States for the past three or five years, you may be eligible to apply for naturalization. It’s important to note that there are a number of qualifications for filing a naturalization application, and an experienced immigration attorney can help you understand the process and navigate it successfully.
To begin the process, you must submit Form N-400 (Application for Naturalization) to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. It’s important to ensure that all of the information you provide is accurate.
You’ll also need to answer a variety of questions about your criminal history and other personal details. These can impact your good moral character requirements, so make sure you enter every detail as fully as possible.
For example, you will need to tell the truth about all arrests by the United States government and traffic stops or tickets you’ve received, as well as any other crimes you’ve committed in your lifetime. This doesn’t mean that all crimes will disqualify you from naturalization, but it’s important to give as much detailed and accurate information as you can about your background.
After USCIS reviews your application, they’ll either accept it or deny it. If they approve it, they’ll send you a notice of decision and schedule your oral exam for you to take.
Alternatively, they may continue your application, request more evidence or documentation, or ask you to take the English and Civics tests again. If they deny it, they’ll send you a denial letter explaining why.
If your application is denied, you have 30 days to appeal the decision or reapply. If you’re unsure of how to go about this, contact a Texas immigration lawyer to discuss your options.
During the interview, you will be asked questions about your background, character, place and length of residence in the US, ability to answer civics tests and willingness to take the Oath of Allegiance. It is important to be completely truthful in this interview, as an officer can deny your application or even begin deportation proceedings if they discover that you lied during the naturalization process.
You may be accompanied by your attorney at the interview. Many attorneys offer this service to their clients, as it can make the process easier and ensure that the USCIS officer does not ask any questions outside of the scope of what is permitted in a naturalization interview.
Your attorney will also help you prepare for the interview. This can include determining what you need to bring to the interview, based on the instructions in your interview notice and the unique facts of your case.
Once you’ve been scheduled for the interview, you should be prepared for a long day at the USCIS office. You’ll be given a desk and chair in a private room, where you’ll have to swear to tell the truth during the interview.
At the end of the interview, you’ll be required to write a one-page statement in response to the question, “Why do you want to become a citizen?” This statement is required by law to be true. In addition, the interviewing officer will test your knowledge of American history and civics through a written English test.
During the interview, a USCIS officer may also request that you provide additional documents or evidence of your eligibility for citizenship. If this happens, you should follow the deadlines for responding to requests for more documentation and evidence.
If you have been denied naturalization, our firm can help you appeal that decision to a higher court. This may be through the BIA or the AAO. In some cases, it may be necessary to take the case to a federal circuit court of appeals.
An appeal is an application to a higher court by a party that believes that the lower court has made a mistake as to law, fact or procedure. Legislation will generally specify whether there is a right of appeal and how such an appeal must be granted (known as obtaining ‘leave’ to appeal).
Appeals are often used for decisions from USCIS administrative agencies, immigration court judges and detention center officials. They are also sometimes used in criminal cases, particularly when an appeal may result in a different outcome.
We will review the facts of your case and determine if an appeal is the best option for you. We will then draft a brief and present arguments that address the issues of your appeal.
A motion to reopen your application or reconsider your citizenship denial can be used when there has been new evidence that is relevant to the original decision and can impact your case. This is often an effective way of changing the outcome of your case and obtaining a more favorable decision.
The officer who evaluated your application will have to decide if this new evidence is sufficient to reverse the denial of your application. If there is not, then your case will be reopened and you will need to take the citizenship test again.
If you have been denied naturalization, it is important to seek legal counsel as soon as possible. An experienced naturalization attorney will be able to analyze your situation and advise you on your best options.
A naturalization attorney is a legal professional who specializes in helping immigrants to become United States citizens. He or she will help you apply for citizenship, interview an immigration officer and pass the citizenship exam.
The process of becoming a citizen is complex, but many people are successful at it and can go on with their lives in the US. To qualify for naturalization, an applicant must meet a number of requirements set forth by law, including physical presence in the US, residency for a specific period of time, good moral character, knowledge of U.S. history and government, the ability to speak and write English, and a commitment to the United States.
One of the most important things you can do to prepare for your naturalization is to be honest with the USCIS about any past criminal convictions that you may have. It is not uncommon for a naturalization application to be denied because of a criminal record, so it is crucial to be truthful on the form N-400.
Another reason your naturalization application might be denied is if you are under financial stress. It is best to make sure that you are turning in all of your taxes on time and paying them in full. This will show the USCIS that you are responsible and have your finances in order.
Getting representation as soon as you find yourself in a trial with any naturalization-related charges is always the best option to promote a positive result. A good naturalization attorney will be able to represent you and fight to get the charges against you dropped or dismissed. This can save you from expensive fines, incarceration and other serious consequences.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.