Innovative organizations are manufacturing products and services that are reinventing the business of enterprise applications to help humans and machines work together to meet new organizational goals. Artificial intelligence is capable of redefining the company’s operating models, but hesitation still exists in moving forward. Although AI is believed to save money and time, most businesses are still unsure if it would be applicable for their organization or how to make the most out of their investment. While automation is considered to be a powerful and robust tool if implemented in the right way, there exists a lot of falsehoods that we shall debunk below.
AI will replace human workers completely
Intelligent automation has already arrived a long time ago and is no longer a futuristic technology. As customer support is transitioning towards Intelligent automation (IA), it does not mean human workers are no longer required in making customer experiences better. A recent study has shown that human customer support is far better equipped in providing customers the actual help they’re looking for. This is for the fact that people are still interested to know if there’s a human on the other side of the conversation. Going through another strange fact, 96% of dissatisfied customers won’t share their experience with the bot on the call but would brag about it in front of other people they meet. Therefore, associations that can convey positive encounters and result rapidly and effectively — while as yet offering a human touch — will be the ones who beat the competition. The perfect example of this would be Internet customer service that clearly stands out from other ISPs by providing such satisfaction in the form of facilities that customers are looking for.
IA and AI are best used as customer-facing services
The first thing that comes to people’s minds when they think of the IA and AI and their impact on customer support, are chatbots. According to research, 23% of service businesses are already utilizing artificially intelligent chatbots, and not just that, but within the next few months, 31% are expected to use it. Chatbots are a background tool that provides instant automatic actionable insights that help to improve employees’ daily tasks. They are a perfect way to obtain knowledge through all networks and get a better sense of who the client is and the reason for their call. That in turn, helps members and staff to communicate with the client they choose to interact with accordingly. IA also aims to quickly and easily route clients, reducing total queuing and session time, thus, enhancing user satisfaction. It is just a small piece of how companies can take benefit from AI and IA.
Automation is very expensive
Cost efficiency is a significant concern for developing organizations as they assess the advantages of automation. There is a typical misguided judgment that all computerization tools are incredibly costly. Like any item or service, there are huge amounts of tools accessible in the market today, and some are costlier than others. It is easy to find solutions within your price range according to your business demands. There are various leading AI vendors in the business that incorporate significant arrangement suppliers and offer customized, cheaper automation tools. Therefore, automation must be seen as a venture that helps your foundation over the long-haul. Organizations must focus on the bigger picture and realize that automation would save them a considerable amount of money and time in the long run.
No control over Automation
A few engineers believe that they lose all control over their data centers once automation has been implemented. They also wrongly accept that it is extremely unlikely to regain control over automation. Whereas, the reality is that the users can control and characterize the work process that best suits their organization. They can generally add various checkpoints to make it progressively efficient and updated. Every organization works uniquely and automation is intended to suit according to the process and the workforce. Therefore, it is all up to an enterprise on how little control they would like over it.
There are a lot of myths regarding automation amongst which a few most common have been mentioned above and are cleared with the facts. IA and AI are unavoidable, and the selection of these innovations will just keep on ascending as they become readily available. The initial step for support teams and associations is to see IA and AI not as a substitution for human workers and operators, but as a supplement to them. The next step would be to focus on how to implement it. Some think that it is very costly and time-consuming to implement. However, that is not the case at all but helps you save a lot of time and money in the long run.