Are you tired of constantly hiding under your hood to hide your tired eyes? If so, there’s something you should know about people with hooded eyes.
Ever since photography began, people with hooded eyes have been seen as unattractive to the gaze of the beholder. The look of the overly tired has been seen as unbecoming for quite some time.
However, does this mean people with hooded eyes are unable to be attractive? Luckily, we answer this question of “Are hooded eyes attractive?” and more as we dive into the world of hooded eyes and beauty standards.
What Are Hooded Eyes?
There is an ongoing debate on the impact of beauty standards on those with hooded eyes. Although many deem hooded eyes as a naturally beautiful feature, there is an added pressure because of the juxtaposition of beauty standards such as large, round, open eyes.
However, despite this, many celebrities with hooded eyes rock it, and many find it to be a unique and attractive feature. Those with hooded eyes enjoy experimenting with makeup looks, making use of techniques such as tight lining and using eyeshadow as a way to create depth and define the shape of their eyes.
If you are looking to attain a specific result for your eyelids, it may be worth reaching out to a trustworthy blepharoplasty surgeon.
Makeup Tips for Hooded Eyes
Today, hooded eyes have become an important part of beauty standards as more and more people are looking for ways to accentuate them. Hooded eyes can add a certain depth and intrigue to one’s gaze and can create a unique and alluring look.
Because of this, makeup artists have started coming up with tips for closed eyes that are meant to make this feature stand out. Common makeup tips for hooded eyes include using a light, shimmery color on the brow bone using a dark liner on the upper and lower lid. Also, use a lighter shade of eyeshadow on the lid to make the eyes look larger.
In the end, when it comes to modern beauty standards, hooded eyes add a level of sophistication and uniqueness that no other look can match. This makes people want to accept and play up their hooded eyes.
The Verdict on Hooded Eyes
The verdict on hooded eyes is that they are beautiful in their own unique way. The hooded eye look is one that is undeniably attractive and adds a certain depth to the eyes that can’t be achieved with eyes that are open and more exposed.
As more beauty standards are broken down in modern-day society, the hooded eye look is becoming increasingly popular and appreciated. Hooded eyes are also often associated with a sultry, mysterious look that is irresistible.
The hooded eye shape is one that is versatile and can be used to create looks that range from smoldering and seductive all the way to effortlessly chic and feminine. Everyone should feel confident in their own unique beauty, and hooded eyes and non-hooded eyes are just one way to do so.
An Answer to “Are Hooded Eyes Attractive?”
So, are hooded eyes attractive?
Hooded eyes have often been ignored in beauty standards, but it’s time for that to change. It’s important to recognize beauty in all forms, and this includes hooded eyes.
Let’s make hooded eyes the new beauty standard! Embrace hooded eyes and keep supporting others in doing the same.
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