What dates? How to declare W2 on the Internet?
Haven’t taken the time yet to complete your tax return? This document remains mandatory, despite the entry into force of the source deduction. Indeed, the declaration allows you to adjust your tax rate at source, but also to know if you must pay an income tax balance, given your withholding tax over the year 2019. As a reminder, the vast majority of taxpayers are invited to declare their income by Internet, on the tax site, before the deadline, fixed according to your department number. A late declaration exposes the taxpayer to a first increase of 10% of his income tax.
C letter declarative period was marked by a major new feature: the automatic income statement (see below). Confinement requires, you will have to cross a trip to your tax center at first. All centers are currently closed. The tax authorities advise on their website to contact them either by email – using secure messaging in your particular area – or by phone. The tax administration must propose to the government methods of reopening the centers from May 11. Wondering how to report online? How does the automatic tax return work? We answer all your questions. Do you have a specific question on the declaration of property income? On how you should connect to the tax site where you can find how to get a copy of my w2 online.
What are the dates of the 2020 tax return?
Due to the health crisis, the calendar for the reporting campaign has been revised. It began on April 20, not on 9. As a result, the reporting deadlines have also been extended to June. If you still use the paper form (read below), you will have an additional deadline, until Friday June 12, 2020, as postal deadlines are likely to lengthen.
Planning a declaration via the Internet? In this case, like last year, the date is fixed according to the departments. The departments numbered from 01 to 19 thus have until Thursday June 4, 2020 at midnight. Departments 20 to 54 have until Monday June 8 at midnight also. Finally, departments 55 to 976 are the last: they have until Thursday June 11, 2020.
What is automatic declaration? Who benefits?
It concerns tax households whose income is known to the tax authorities and which have not reported any change in situation (address, family, creation of a deposit at source). In a decree published in the Official Journal on April 27, the government specified the taxpayers who find themselves de facto excluded from this device, here is a non-exhaustive list:
Those whose income tax was not established the previous year
Those whose income tax takes into account one of the following incomes: BNC, BIC, agricultural profits, property income, etc.
What happens when you benefit from this automatic declaration? If you have to report a change, you must complete and sign your tax return as usual. Otherwise, you have absolutely nothing to do. If you declare via the paper form, it is this form, n ° 2042 K AUTO that you should receive, available here. Automatic reporting is available online. If you are concerned, you will be informed when arriving on your particular space. You are invited to click on “Check my declaration data “. A document should appear. What information do you need to verify? We summarize them for you:
Are you an employee? In this case, refer to your pay slip (s) for the month of December 2019, and more specifically to the “net fiscal” or “net taxable” line. Also remember to check the amount of your source deduction for the year. The e tax authorities also took stock of what you have paid last year via withholding. Objective displayed, compare this amount with that of the income tax due for the year 2019, to find out if you are liable for a tax balance.