On Neural Networks and their Performance
New technologies have made great progress. Today, robots and machines can not only perform a number of tasks instead of humans, but are also able to independently learn in order to perform non-typical tasks. This opportunity appeared thanks to the development of a well-known company – Theneurosphere – that created a project called SYPWAI.
The mission of developing this training platform was to train artificial intelligence to adapt to the new working conditions. The machines will be able to analyze the data that, originally, was not a part of their program. They will learn from their own experience of working with data.
Working with artificial intelligence is a difficult job that can take years before it can be presented to the world. Every project in neural network goes through several stages. The SYPWAI platform is now in the third stage out of five, called Beta. This level includes the stage of active testing during which all major errors are being eliminated. At this stage, other developers start working with the program making it possible to check the platform for compatibility with other devices.
Successful Start and Release of the SYPWAI Project
The SYPWAI startup by Theneurosphere is currently completing the third stage of testing and is ready to move to the fourth stage – the release of a preliminary version of the program. It will be available to some users who will be able to start testing a completely finished product and identify any errors or incorrect performance. This version will be a preliminary candidate for the release, and if it works flawlessly, the world will be able to use the latest technology very soon.
The success of the SYPWAI project became possible thanks to many years of scientific work. The project was created starting with an idea and ending with today’s achievement – launching it for use by people and companies. The most significant event in the platform development was the winning of a grant of $ 90 million. Such a tremendous support paved the way for the development and implementation of the project.
Today SYPWAI attracts everyone’s attention. Despite the fact that it hasn’t been fully implemented yet, an increasing number of users are already connected to the network waiting to test out the program’s functions. Moreover, Theneurosphere is actively concluding contracts with the companies that want to receive the right to use the new product. Large companies see a prospective in this project, and each one of them wants to be the first to test the program in their business. Let’s not forget about the investments: their number increased after the beta version of the program had been tested.
Theneurosphere experts prefer not to make predictions about how quickly the platform will be able to develop and become available to every user. However, despite the active development and interest of the biggest investors, we can say with confidence that the project will surely succeed.