Anime has become the most popular entertainment piece to stream, and for most otaku heads, it is considered of the utmost importance. Hundreds of anime have been released since it was first introduced in 1917, and thousands more have been released in the past decade. With so many anime out there, it can be super hard for a non-anime person to figure out where to start from.
So here we are, mentioning the top-class anime that you can find on almost any streaming service, or most importantly, on Hulu. These anime are globally ranked, so everyone knows that starting from these anime will kickstart your whole experience. Therefore, it’s easier to find all these anime on Hulu rather than switching between the apps to binge-watch all of them.
Don’t forget to turn on your VPN if you’re not accessing Hulu from its origin country, i.e the USA. Because Hulu in UK is geo-banned, you will need something that hides your original location—in other words, a VPN. And if you’ve got it all configured, let’s move forward with the anime!
Top Anime that you must add to your Watchlist
You may be an otaku head or you may be new to the anime world, but down below we have listed some anime that are a must watch for anyone who’s into anime.
Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Attack on Titan is a series that most anime fans have already watched or at least heard of. It would be a shame to miss out on this cultural phenomenon given that it is one of the most watched anime shows in recent years. In a post-apocalyptic society, people have to shelter behind fortified towns to avoid being eaten by enormous, flesh-eating giants. This is a fantastic series with incredible world-building, skillful plot turns, and outstanding action.
Hunter x Hunter (2011–2014)
Gon Freecss’ adventure to become a Hunter, a person who is not constrained by conventional social norms and is capable of undertaking life-threatening missions, is the first chapter of Hunter X Hunter. He soon discovers that there is more to being a Hunter and to the world than he had ever imagined. He meets his father who is a capable Hunter and then starts his journey.
Death Note (2006–2007)
A clever anime with the cleverest boy who finds a mystery notebook. In Death Note, to eradicate crime from the world, a teenage kid named Light Yagami discovers a notebook that murders anybody whose name is written inside. This sinister tale compels viewers to wrestle with difficult moral dilemmas while also offering a gripping intellectual conflict that lasts all the way to the series’ conclusion.
One Piece (1999 –)
If you decide to start watching One Piece, it might turn into a lifelong endeavor because there are thousands of episodes. In fact, the next episode is to return this month, and it will be the 1054th episode, so season one is still running. This may appear difficult to non-fans, but Luffy’s journey to become the pirate king is a thrilling adventure that is well worth your time.
Naruto (2007–2017)
Since Naruto has been a shonen anime for a long time, it has had a significant impact on anime as a whole. The anime quickly diverts from its initial focus on the protagonist’s aspiration to become the hokage to center on political intrigue, conflict, and some of the most heartbreakingly sad villains ever created. You can skip the filler episodes, but every anime enthusiast or non-anime should see Naruto.
My Hero Academia (2016 –)
One of the most recent entries to the shonen genre, My Hero Academia has since emerged as one of the most hip anime serires. Similar to Hogwarts but for Marvel/DC-types, it follows Izuku Midoriya and his classmates as they learn how to wield their talents. For Western fans, this show is a must-watch because it frequently resembles reading an anime adaptation of a Marvel comic.
Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
A tiny group of bounty hunters are followed as they travel through space in Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop has a straightforward idea, but because of character development, incredible musical influences, and an interesting plot, it becomes something amazing. Because of this, even now, many still consider it to be one of the greatest anime series ever made.
Your Lie in April (2014–2018)
Your Lie In April is a must-watch if you like your anime with a dash of emotional pain. As his mother passes away, Kousei Arima stops playing the piano, but his friendship with violinist Kaori Miyazono helps him rediscover music and his feelings. Regrettably, Kaori also disguises a terrible secret behind her kind smile.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (2006–2008)
Code Geass offers a complicated storyline concerning an effort to liberate a country from imperial control. It’s intriguing to watch Lelouch Lamperouge turn evil while pursuing a noble objective, and it’s definitely worth the attention of any anime fan.
Fruits Basket (2019–2021)
Tohru switches from living in a tent to sharing rooms with the enigmatic Sohma clan boys. She discovers that they have an unexpected family secret. The animals of the Chinese zodiac possess each of the 13 members of the Sohma family. Though this is a newer addition to the anime family, you definitely need to start watching it, and we’re sure you will be on the edge of your seat the whole time.
Anime is living rent-free in our heads, and we can’t wait for you to get started on these culturally resetting series! From Naruto to Attack on Titan, watching these great series is a mind-blowing experience. It’s not only about the Tsunderes and Kuunderes, but the scenes are animated in a way that will leave you drooling for them. And the best part is, those incredible scenes are all real, so you can visit them whenever you have a vacation in Japan!
If you haven’t watched these animes, you should start this weekend! It’s super easy because you can watch all of them on just one streaming platform, which is Hulu! So, have a great weekend!

Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.