What requirements and documentation do you need for Pensacola boat rentals?
If you’re visiting Pensacola or Pensacola Beach you’d be crazy not to spend a day on beautiful Pensacola Bay or Santa Rosa Sound and float Pensacola boat rentals has the perfect option for you to do just that. Load your family and friends aboard one of our cool pontoon boats and cruise around to see what the area has to offer. Pensacola was recently ranked one of the top ten most beautiful beaches in the world by Trip Advisor and our emerald green water around Pensacola Pass is a site that everyone should get to see. The only problem is that unless you’re willing to walk a few miles through the sand the only way to can get to Pensacola Pass is by boat. No one who takes our boats to the Gulf of Mexico is covered with our insurance policy but our customers can transport them to the Pensacola Pass. The entrance to Pensacola Bay connects the Gulf of Mexico. Floatmyboatrentals can distinguish two types of lease or charter:
Rent a boat with skipper
In this case, the services of a skipper are hired together with the boat, as well as the necessary additional crew, to govern it during the time it is to be hired.
Rent a boat without skipper
In this case, one of the passengers must have sufficient title for the government of the boat.
What requirements do you need to carry out the activity of leasing or charter?
The boats may not carry more than twelve people, in addition to the crew. Vessels up to 14 meters in length must hold the American flag or flag from one of the States of the America. They must comply with the complementary rules of application of the International Convention for the Safety of Human Life at Sea (SOLAS), corresponding to group III-class Q and other national regulations in force. Authorization issued by the competent Maritime Captaincy according to the port where the activity is to be carried out, or by the body that establishes the regulations of the Autonomous Community, in case the latter has assumed powers in the field of maritime transport. Foreign vessels must comply with the legal regulations in force regarding temporary importation.
What documentation do I need to request authorization?
Certificate of accident insurance in force, protecting the embarked persons. Proof that the owner is up to date with the current taxes that correspond to the operation of this business. In the case of foreign persons or entities, they must accompany a residence card in US or a state of the America. The foreigners employed within the company must be provided with said card. If you don’t know what type of license you need to be able to rent a boat, you can take a look at the summary has created by Floatmyboatrentals Boat Insurance is mandatory
Remember that every ship owner or owner of recreational boats must have boat insurance that covers the civil liability derived from the navigation of their boats or when they are docked, etc. At Floatmyboatrentals they are experts in offering the best insurance, all thanks to the work we do to improve the coverage of our clients every day and with the support of leading insurance companies. No one who takes our boats to the Gulf of Mexico is covered with our insurance policy but our customers can transport them to the Pensacola Pass. The entrance to Pensacola Bay connects the Gulf of Mexico.

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