You are on the course enjoying a game of golf in stunning surroundings with a couple of friends, who like yourself have their own businesses. Your game is good, and you enjoy getting the upper hand before relaxing in the clubhouse as you discuss how work is going among other pleasant small talk.
By now your smile has broadened. You do like seeing friends doing well, but sometimes it is nice when you have taken the right course to get ahead, while they ploughed along and refused to listen. Your business has flourished hugely after you took outside expert advice in brand activation.
- Although your business was steady and making a small profit, you knew that you had an excellent product and provided brilliant customer service, which was something that you have always prided yourself on.
- You really weren’t sure what was missing, until another friend suggested speaking to professionals in event marketing, who explained the importance of brand activation. You are always keen to learn, so you listened intently to what they had to say, all while looking for relaxing hobbies to take up and de-stress.
- Having your business aware of the opportunities created by brand activation suddenly meant that it would be widely recognized. You wanted it to be associated with quality service, class, and that customers could instantly trust it. Having experts redesign your smart unique logo so it would be immediately recognized along with the same font being used throughout meant it hit home with customers, both current and potential.
- Your logo and typeface look incredibly cool on the side of your delivery vans, at the factory, and above the door of your office in the city. Nobody is any doubt as to who you are or what you do, after you backed up the changes with some expansive SEO work with the website, which has helped to grow your client base.
- The open day that you organized, through the help of your expert company alongside who you have connected with, is open-minded with a growth mindset, and got your message across so well. So did a stand at a trade show where your new ad that features on YouTube was launched, again through the help of marketing expertise. Perhaps next time you will head further afield to a beautiful destination to make a video.
- Your Facebook page carried live feed from both events, garnering lots of interest, particularly in younger viewers who you intend to aim some products at. Getting them on side, and liking being associated with what your business offers has seen them proudly displaying your logo on the purchases that they carry around or wear. Special offers and competitions have further enhanced your brand activation as the popularity grows, which then allows your marketing team to further tap into the potential market.
Brand activation, through the help of a professional team offering experienced expertise has lifted your business ahead of its competitors and those of your friends, as it is seen as trustworthy and instantly recognizable.