With summer around the corner, it’s time to talk about ultraviolet rays and the health hazards that come with skin damage. Beyond cosmetic concerns, sun exposure can increase your risk of skin cancer, immune deficiencies, and more.
Does that mean that you should stay inside and hide out from the summer heat? Absolutely not.
If you love spending your summer days outdoors, there are precautions that you can take to prevent skin damage from occurring. From proper sunblock usage to protective summer attire, you can enjoy the summer without soaking up the sun.
Read on for five ways to protect your skin from the summer sun.
1. Hug the Shade
No, we don’t want you to skip your beach vacation or quit hiking this summer. However, it is in your best interest to limit the amount of time you spend in direct sunlight.
When dining outdoors, stick to covered patios or tables with umbrellas. When lounging on the beach, rent covered beach chairs or bring a large umbrella to stick into the sand. Whenever you can manage it, hug the shade.
2. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is crucial for all aspects of your physical health. Staying hydrated in the summer heat is important because it replenishes the moisture lost to sweating, but also because it helps your skin to heal faster from sun exposure. You can also add moisture back to your skin by moisturizing your face and body each morning or night.
3. Wear Protective Clothing
Protective clothing has come a long way. From UV-resistant swim shirts to sun hats for men, you have plenty of ways to increase your protection from skin damage.
(An extra tip: wear sunglasses, too. Your eyes are also sensitive to sun exposure, and wearing a pair of shades can limit eye damage or deterioration over time.)
4. Use Sunscreen Properly
Make sure to use high SPF sunscreen even if you don’t tend to burn. Make sure that you’re reapplying a new layer of sunscreen to your skin every two to three hours or more often if you’re getting in and out of the pool.
Do you still need to wear sunscreen under UV-resistant clothing? While you won’t need to reapply as often, we do recommend putting at least one layer of sunscreen under your protective clothing.
5. Avoid the Brightest Rays of the Day
When the sun is overhead, you’re going to get hit with some of the brightest rays of the day. Take note that ultra violet rays are at their strongest between 10 am and 3 pm. Avoid outdoor chores like gardening or mowing the lawn between these hours to limit unnecessary overexposure.
Use These Tips to Prevent Skin Damage and Stay Healthy
Skin damage is no joke, and it can happen even when you don’t burn easily. Use these tips to protect your skin from the sun this summer to safely enjoy that summer heat.
Looking for more ways to look out for your health? Take a look at our health content for tips, tricks, and the latest news coming out of the healthcare industry.

Rachel Dixon works on Business, travel and features blogs at Daily Mid Time and Zobuz. She has passionate for travelling and cooking. Spending time with family as well as on internet to enhance her capabilities for well orientated content creation and blog writing.