CBD is undoubtedly the hottest wellness trend right now. You may feel as if it has suddenly gone from being kind of around to being completely omnipresent. Hamburgers, toothpicks, and mouth spray all now contain this plant extract. Cafes are selling CBD lattes, spas are offering CBD treatments, and cosmetic businesses are scrambling to develop products containing CBD or hemp oils. CBD products have grown in accessibility and demand over the last year, thanks to the passing of the US Farm Bill in 2018, which legalized industrial hemp, as well as state-level legalization of medicinal and recreational cannabis.
As per a survey of 5,000 people conducted by a cannabis market research organization, more than 60% of CBD users have used it to treat anxiety. Chronic pain, sleeplessness, and stress are all other conditions where CBD was reportedly used. It may also help to treat eczema if you use the best CBD hemp cream. Estimated U.S. sales of CBD products are expected to reach $16 billion by 2025, as determined by some studies.
But, despite its widespread usage in the health industry, many people seem to find CBD to be perplexing—especially when it comes to finding out how to use it properly and ensuring that the products you’re purchasing are authentic. Let’s have a look at this.
What is CBD?
Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the Cannabis Sativa plant’s obscure offspring. Cannabis has 108 distinct kinds of cannabinoids, according to scientists. CBD is gaining popularity because of its possible medicinal advantages.
CBD products produced from hemp that contain less than 0.3% THC are lawful in the United States, although they are still prohibited in several states. On the contrary, CBD products produced from cannabis are banned on the federal level but lawful in some states.
What is Hemp?
Hemp has been produced for hundreds of years for manufacturing rope, clothing, sails, food, and much more. It is one of the many varieties found in the Cannabis Sativa plant species. Hemp plants are one of the fastest growers and contain THC only in trace amounts. However, tinctures, gummies, and capsules made from processed hemp can still induce bliss.
Hemp and marijuana both include CBD, with the only difference being the amount of THC they contain. Marijuana has a considerably more significant amount of THC than hemp. The 2018 Farm Bill made hemp production lawful, essentially making CBD legal as well.
Can we use CBD hemp cream for skin?
CBD may be useful for various skin problems. As per the National Institutes of Health. Acne, infections, aging, wrinkles, dryness, and itching are examples of these. CBD includes many chemicals that have oil-reducing, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial effects, all of which may aid in skin improvement.
CBD may be beneficial for those with sensitive skin since it can help soothe skin and lessen the appearance of soreness. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities may aid in the prevention of skin aging. It has antibacterial and antifungal effects, making it potentially beneficial for treating skin infections.
Eczema, a common name for atopic dermatitis, refers to a skin condition that causes redness, itching, and inflammation. This skin condition is prevalent in various parts of the world, affecting 15–20% of children and 1–3% of adults. Skin dryness, flakiness, itching, and discomfort are all its symptoms. Researchers have carried out a few experiments using topical CBD on patients with skin diseases such as eczema, which have shown a positive result.
According to studies, adding chemicals that bind to the cannabinoid receptors, such as CBD, can reduce itching. The body contains a complex system of cannabinoid receptors, including those in the skin. CBD can connect to these receptors, which may have health advantages. As a result, some people believe that applying CBD to the skin might help with some skin problems. CBD can kill Staphylococcus aureus. It is a bacterium that frequently causes infections in persons who have eczema flare-ups.
According to a study, participants in the National Center for Biotechnology Information research administered topical CBD-rich ointment to the afflicted area twice daily for three months. Subjects saw a change in their inflamed skin problems after three months. Researchers found that using CBD ointment topically to treat inflammatory skin diseases like eczema is safe and productive. People can use it as a discreet option for treating eczema. It’s important to note that these ointments didn’t contain any THC.
Cannabinoids may also assist with pain relief, which is harmless and can help with joint soreness. Furthermore, a study of 20 individuals with various frequent skin disorders, including eczema, revealed that using a topical CBD cream to treat inflammatory skin conditions was highly advantageous. The lotion reduced itchiness, improved skin, and made sleeping more comfortable.
A topical cream is a product made of butter, waxes, and oils applied to the skin. You would have tried different types of these topical eczema treatments but aren’t completely satisfied. You should check out the latest products, such as CBD lotions, to see if they suit you. These CBD creams come from CBD extracts and other components, including shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil. So give these a shot and check if they can help you in treating your skin problems.

How to choose?
- Make sure that the manufacturer can prove a third party has tested it.
- Check the THC content to be not more than 0.3 % THC.
- Ensure that it passes pesticide, heavy metal, and mold testing.
- Examine the company’s credentials and production methods.
- Examine the product’s efficacy as well as the components in general.
- Never forget to check the customer reviews.
If you’re a first-time CBD user, start with a low-dose CBD product. As the CBD cream is well tolerated, increase the dosage with time, if necessary. Apply a tiny quantity to the afflicted region and massage it until it is absorbed. However, always read a CBD product’s label for precise directions and cautions. If you have any side effects, talk to your doctor. Always remember to choose products based on the nature of your skin, and if problems occur while using, stop using them.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.