From chronic pain to acute discomfort, it’s no secret that pain can negatively affect each part of your life. It can even get in the way of your hobbies, romantic time with your significant other, or general self-care.
What you may not know is that we have solutions to help. A quick fix that requires you to do little to no work. A medial branch block is a unique way that can help in pain management.
So, what exactly does it do? How will it improve your life? Keep reading to learn about the benefits of this procedure.
Let’s get into it!
What Is a Medial Branch Block?
A medial branch block is a common procedure used to diagnose and manage low back pain. The procedure involves numbing the medial branch nerve, which controls the small joints in the lower spine known as facet joints.
By delivering an injection of a lengthy anesthetic to the targeted nerve, pain signals can be blocked from reaching the brain. This can provide long-term pain relief and help with diagnosis.
While its relief may be temporary, the procedure is typically repeated multiple times for weeks to months to achieve greater pain alleviation. In some cases, the effect achieved can last for years.
What to Expect From Medial Brand Block Procedure
A medial branch block can help in treating pain management. This invasive procedure is designed to reduce the inflammation of the medial nerves along the spine. It is created to block the nerve signals that are causing the pain.
The injection typically consists of a corticosteroid and lidocaine and is injected into the affected area. During the procedure, the patient will be given a local anesthetic to help numb the area before performing the treatment.
After that, the patient will typically experience a decrease in pain and an increased range of motion in the affected area. It is important to note that the patient may still need additional treatments to maintain the results.
Who Is a Good Candidate for a Medial Branch Block?
Patients who experience back pain that radiates out elsewhere can be good candidates for this procedure. It would be someone with pain that is not responding to other treatments.
It can also be a better option for people whose pain is not responding well to medications or therapy. The procedure is safe and effective, and many people experience positive results.
However, it is important to talk to your doctor to ensure that a medial branch block is the best option for your situation.
Other Alternatives for Pain Management
Although MBB may not be a cure for all types of pain, it has been proven to be highly effective in treating numerous conditions. Other alternatives for pain management include:
- The use of medications
- Physical therapy
- Chiropractic care
- Acupuncture
- Massage
- Yoga
- Lifestyle changes
Each option may have different benefits depending on the specific issue being addressed and should be discussed with a physician before beginning any new treatment.
Understanding the Benefits of Medial Branch Block
A medial branch block can be an effective way to manage pain that involves the spine, especially lower back pain. This type of treatment can help to reduce nerve irritation and inflammation, as well as reduce muscle guarding.
If you think that MBB could be beneficial for your pain relief, please consult with your healthcare provider to explore this option further.
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Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.