EMF shielding materials are an essential part of protecting ourselves from electromagnetic waves. Light is on the electromagnetic spectrum, but only a tiny fraction of it.
Energy vibrations produce the signals we use for radio, flashlights generate light for us to see, X-rays allow us to diagnose injuries and diseases, and gamma-rays even help us destroy cancers.
Scientists often tell us that non-ionizing radiation isn’t harmful, but that might not be true for long.
These useful tools, however, can also harm us. So how and why should you look into EMF shielding materials? What are the best EMF shielding materials?
Keep reading to learn that and more!
Why Bother With EMF Shielding Materials at All?
If you’re reading this and wondering why we should bother with EMF shielding materials, or EMF clothing, it’s fair.
All of us are familiar with being in a dark room when someone turns on a bright light. The light doesn’t harm our eyes, but it does cause significant discomfort.
Our eyes are dilated and our irises close to allow in less intense light. Light is one type of electromagnetic force, as it gets more intense our bodies have a way of handling that. Our bodies don’t, however, have a way of dealing with electromagnetic frequencies above ultraviolet.
For that, we need outside protection. These frequencies are not naturally occurring in any sizable amount. They’re almost entirely produced by our electronics in our modern life.
The Best EMF Shielding Material
Considering we use EMF to penetrate a variety of materials to communicate or peer into our bodies and other things, how can we shield ourselves?
The best way to block an EMF is with a faraday cage. A faraday cage is a mesh of metal that surrounds an object.
You might be thinking that metal conducts electricity. But radio waves move through electric fields, which are naturally present in metal.
Once a radio wave hits a faraday cage, an opposite charge passes from the opposite direction. These charges cancel each other out and prevent radio waves to pass through.
Look at your microwave and you’re looking at a faraday cage. Even smaller ones are in cables for electronics, electronics housings, and RFID blocking wallets. The frequencies that you’re able to block depends on the size of the gaps in your mesh.
Silver is the most conductive metal and therefore makes the best faraday cage possible. Silver is followed by copper, then gold, then aluminum.
The Battle Against EMF Signals Isn’t Over
Our modern world needs EMF to function and we need EMF shielding materials and designs for EMF shielding products. There’s EMF shielding clothing, paint, underlay for floors, and more. EMFs aren’t evil and neither is the thirst for our world to be more connected and convenient.
However, there’s a vital step left for our society to take. We must learn how to properly direct these intense, powerful, and useful signals to reach the next step in our modern world.
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