If you or a loved one has been suffering from excessive snoring or sleep apnea, you may be considering a lifetime of sleeping alone, as sleeping next to someone with a loud noise is never a pleasant experience. Unless that is, you want to invest in a lifetime of earplugs.
That is if you don’t fancy the costly and invasive surgery that is available for the treatment of snoring.
Sound familiar?! If you answered yes to either of those, keep reading to find out about laser surgery for snoring and how it could potentially help go from sleepless to silent forever.
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What is Laser Surgery for Snoring?
Laser surgery for snoring is a minimally invasive procedure designed to reduce severe snoring. The procedure uses a high-energy laser to target and reshape the soft tissues that cause snoring. The laser is used to mechanically and thermally reduce the excess tissues obstructing the airways.
Unlike more invasive surgical procedures, this surgery is quick and painless. It is an outpatient procedure that can be done in the doctor’s office. The primary goal of this procedure is to re-establish the airways, allowing for easier breathing and less snoring.
What are the Benefits of Surgery for Snoring?
Snoring surgery using laser results is often experienced within days or even hours of the procedure. This quick turnaround allows patients to quickly and effectively combat their snoring problem. Further, it has been reported with minimal risk and discomfort.
Plus, the procedure is often covered by most insurances, making it an affordable option for those seeking to control their snoring. All in all, this procedure has tremendous benefits for those looking to find a permanent solution to their snoring issues.
Is Laser Surgery Safe?
Laser surgery for snoring is a procedure done under local anesthesia and requires only a single brief office visit. While it is generally considered safe, there are some potential risks and side effects.
Patients may experience temporary pain or discomfort in the area of the surgery. Some may develop tissue scarring, and some may have changes in their sleep patterns or other issues.
There is little research on the long-term safety and effectiveness of this procedure. With this, it is important to discuss the potential risks and side effects with a physician before deciding if this surgery is right for you. They can also help you find a snoring treatment that’s best for you.
How Effective is Laser Surgery for Snoring?
Laser surgery for snoring is becoming a popular treatment option for those afflicted with the sleep disorder. Its effectiveness differs from individual to individual.
For instance, some report that snoring has been eliminated following the procedure. But others find it has only reduced the problem rather than eliminated it.
This surgery can be an effective treatment, but the outcome may depend on several factors. Factors such as lifestyle or other existing medical conditions can affect the treatment results.
Consult an Expert and Find Out
Laser surgery for snoring is a safe, effective, simple procedure, which can be completed within 15 minutes without incision. Despite this, it is important to seek professional guidance when considering any surgery for snoring. If you believe you may be a suitable candidate for snoring surgery, consult your doctor today.
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Veronica Baxter is a writer, blogger, and legal assistant operating out of the greater Philadelphia area.