In my opinion, the phase of the most important game action in team sports is what the experts call: decision-making, reflexive, mental solution or tactical thinking. We start from a perfectly perceived and analyzed game situation, because otherwise the phase of tactical thinking will be distorted by dragging the error of the perceptual phase. In this phase there is a tactical component that we must take into account, since, necessarily, the decision or solution to be taken must be subject to the opinion or requirement of tactical interests being therefore an applied solution, hence the definition of tactical thinking.
Decision-making requires a process in which three phases are accepted: preparation, production and prosecution. As for the production phase, it includes a set of diverse operations that use short and long term memory as well as the application of certain general and specific strategies. Thus, in these methods there are no structured rules that, if followed, automatically lead to the solution. You can also use boosting services to level up simply but it is better to take pride in your own intelligence.
In some technical elements like the shot, the pass or the boat, there is little intervention of the conscience. tactical and strategic functions. If the player is able to bounce the ball automatically, his mind may simultaneously be solving other functions such as passing his partner at the precise moment of without checking. They are characterized by liberating intelligent tactical thinking, for other more complicated
The stroke in swimming, the stride in athletics, the movements in judo, are examples of actions that can be automated with repetitive practice. Closed or very simple and stable actions are subject to automation to improve the overall performance of the athlete. All skills without direct adversary correspond to this group.
Game situations with direct and intelligent opposition of team and combat sports require a high degree of tactical intelligence. Teamfight Tactics, Patch 10.2: Balance Changes, Highlights, Notes And Rundown By Scairtin They are actions that respond to open situations and not too stable giving a result of some difficulty of realization. Sometimes we use intellectual anticipation (players with experience and knowledge) as temporary help to prevent solutions and make appropriate decisions. His performance largely calls for intelligent acting. They are abilities resulting from a creative mental action. It requires from the players a certain level of minimum capacity. Not all players are trained to perform actions of a creative nature being typical of sports talents.
The quality of tactical thinking (CPT) is the proper understanding of mental solution and speed with the desired objective. Do not confuse with the quality that a player or team can have, in general. This quality of tactical thinking must take into account external and internal factors. The external factors of the game are modifiable to the extent that it is possible to intervene, such as the rhythm of the game of the match or competition. The inmates are the player’s own and depending on the motor situation itself.
The quality of tactical thinking will depend on the type of sports activity performed. The basic difference between the different sports specialties basically lies in this determining factor of the decision time. For example, what is the difference in the tactical thinking of the game action between golf and fencing or boxing? It is clear that the time of decision-making (instantaneity of the decision) is a condition that discriminates and defines the sport itself. We will have to take into account the internal logic of sports because they directly affect performance: The main objective of the task to be achieved, the motor interaction and the space and time conditions.
The main objective to achieve will be goal, point, both, etc., through a mobile or technical representations of a certain model. Sometimes it is about crossing or crossing a space that requires more of a bioenergetics conditioner than the use of sports intelligence.
Sports with teammates and opponents set up a very complicated game action in the intelligent field, due to the number of players involved.

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