If you’re diagnosed with bone cancer, your treatment options depend on the type of bone cancer you have and its stage.
In general, treatment for the different types of cancerous bone depends on whether the cancer has spread from the primary site or not. Radiation therapy or chemotherapy may be used as the primary or supplementary treatment.
When your cancer is at a later stage, then generally, you may go for chemotherapy along with radiotherapy. When the cancer has reached its later stages is when surgery becomes unlikely.
Keep reading for more information on the different treatment options when you’re diagnosed with bone cancer:
Surgery is an extremely important option for treating bone cancer. It typically involves removal of the affected bone and possibly the surrounding tissue for cancer that has spread from a tumor in another part of the body.
Depending on the size of the tumor and how much of the bone needs to be removed, the surgeon may replace the section of bone with a prosthesis made of metal or plastic, or may use a bone graft from the patient’s own body (such as the hip bone) to fill in the gap.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to target and destroy cancer cells in the body, including those in and around bone tissue. Chemotherapy can also be combined with other therapies, such as surgery and radiation.
The drugs used in chemotherapy interfere with the growth and division of cancer cells, thereby obstructing their spread and recurrence. Depending on the individual, chemotherapy may be administered through a pill, shot, or intravenously.
Before chemotherapy begins, a healthcare professional should review the patient’s medical history and current health, and discuss treatment goals and potential side effects.
Targeted Therapy
Targeted therapy is a type of cancer treatment that targets specific molecules or pathways in cancer cells that are responsible for the growth and spread of the tumor. When diagnosed with bone cancer or bone tumor, targeted therapy may be an option.
This treatment uses small molecules that attach to certain proteins in the cancer cells and block a particular signaling process. The goal of this treatment is to stop the cancer from growing and spreading without affecting other cells in the body.
Naturopathic Oncology
Naturopathic Oncology can be a holistic cancer care for people who have been diagnosed with bone cancer. It is a type of integrative cancer care that combines conventional medical treatments with natural therapeutic approaches.
It focuses on the entire person rather than just the disease. It takes into account the aspects of health through the following:
- physical
- mental
- emotional
- spiritual
It utilizes natural treatments such as herbal remedies, nutritional protocols, and lifestyle changes to promote healing and to reduce side effects of traditional treatments.
Treatment Options When You’re Diagnosed With Bone Cancer
It can be overwhelming if you’re diagnosed with bone cancer, but thankfully many advances in medical treatments mean there are options. It’s important to speak to your doctor to discuss surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and other treatments.
Timely diagnosis and treatment are key to winning against this disease. Don’t wait, talk to your doctor today and start taking control of your future.
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Amanda Byers is a graduate of Columbia, where she played volleyball and annoyed a lot of professors. Now as Zobuz’s entertainment and Lifestyle Editor, she enjoys writing about delicious BBQ, outrageous style trends and all things Buzz worthy.