Why and how to prepare for retirement today?
In the current context and particularly the budgetary savings necessary to restore balance to the public accounts raise fears of a fall in the level of retirement pensions. One thing is certain, the pension contributions collected are no longer sufficient to finance pensions and the State does not have the means to fill this gap because it must first of all make up its deficit and redress the general economy of the country, which has been hit hard whipped by the crisis. Concerning specifically the French pay-as-you-go pension system based on inter generational solidarity, it has long been able to prove its effectiveness but it is running out of steam. Because of the economic climate, of course, but also because of the lengthening of the lifespan, which is changing the demographic curve. The age pyramid is therefore turned upside down and the active population is no longer large enough to allow the retirement plan for the elderly population, which is becoming more numerous. The distribution system is therefore undermined and the French are invited to train for their private retirement. The fact that the pay-as-you-go pension system is in danger requires anticipating a fall in the level of retirement pensions and therefore a fall in income even more significant than it was already when we spent our life active in retirement.
If it was already strongly recommended to provide additional income so as not to see your “lifestyle” too impacted by this change in status, this has become essential to hope to preserve your standard of living ; especially since we are sometimes more inclined to spend more on retirement given that we have more time. So, if you want to be able to enjoy your retirement serenely without having to count each of your expenses, it is essential to make savings efforts today. These efforts will be rewarded because in addition to offering you a peaceful retirement in the long term, they can also allow you to benefit from the advantageous taxation and attractive performance of certain real estate and financial investments. The fact that it has become necessary for everyone to prepare for retirement by providing additional income is unanimous in view of the various arguments presented above, but it is true that it is not easy to prepare today a retirement which is sometimes not for tomorrow but for the day after tomorrow.
This deadline still seems far away and it is therefore long-term investments that should be favored. For this, there is a wide range of real estate, financial investments and specifically dedicated to retirement. These investments also allow you to optimize and diversify your wealth management. However, before choosing, you will have to start by taking stock of your situation. If for a majority of French people, the main concern in terms of retirement is the age from which it will be possible to take full advantage of it; most French people also forget to inquire about the amounts of their future rights.
However, it is essential to find out about it in order to know your income losses and to consider investments that will allow you to collect additional income that will make up for the shortfall in retirement. To assess your personal situation, you must first find out about the pension scheme on which you depend and on the possibility of being one of the exceptional cases concerned by a possible early retirement. It is also essential to know the number of quarters already contributed to put it in relation with the number of quarters to contribute in order to benefit from basic retirement. For that, the administrative documents which are necessary are the pay sheet, the statement of career, the statement of points as well as that of professional situation. After having made an inventory of your situation and having been able to establish a first diagnosis according to the legislation in force, it is then possible to start and start to prepare your retirement in an optimal way.

Barry Lachey is a Professional Editor at Zobuz. Previously He has also worked for Moxly Sports and Network Resources “Joe Joe.” He is a graduate of the Kings College at the University of Thames Valley London. You can reach Barry via email or by phone.